The end

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George ran as fast as he could, feeling his backpack flying behind him as he ran. It was difficult, with his leg, but he managed. As he ran, he skitted to a stop, the snow piling up in front of his feet as he looked at the massive fire wall in front of himself. Muttering swears, he ran away from the wall, trying to get far away from the smoke.

As he ran, he suddenly heard a scream in the distance. He stopped, hearing footsteps on either side of him. He tensed, as a knife was thrown in his direction, along with an arrow. The arrow scratched his cheek as it flew by, and hit into the foliage. He crouched low to the ground as two people emerged from the bushes, one bearing knives, the other a wooden bow. He stumbled out the way, soon landing on his side again as he watched the two glare at each other. Did they know he was here?

He stumbled back, looking at the two. One, had brown hair over his forehead, a scar on his eyebrow, and two, deep, brown eyes. Wilbur from district six, George recognized him immediately. The other, was a female. She had pink hair that went to her shoulders, and a small nose that curved nicely. George bit his lip hard, Niki, from the same district as Wilbur. The two eyed each other with hatred as they neared their weapons again, Wilbur loading his bow with another arrow.

George stumbled to his feet again, breathing heavily, he knew he wasn't apart of this fight, so he attempted to get away. As he turned around, someone ran into him however, and he landed back on the floor. As he looked up, he saw nothing but a terrified little girl. She looked thirteen or fourteen, Aimsey.

The two looked at each other, fear in one's eyes, and confusion in the other. They both stood to their feet and ran separate ways, the sound of movement behind them. Arrows shooting, knives penetrating trees and snow. and of course, the smell of crackling, spreading fire.

George ran fast, and quick, hearing another cannon shot in the distance, he looked up at the smoke filled sky, just adding to the gray clouds above him. He started running to the place he wanted to only avoid, Cornucopia. He knew, that the firebug had made that fire spread all around the south side of the arena, because there was no smoke in the north's direction. So he started heading there, with coughing fits, and heavy breathing, it wasn't the most pleasant run he's been on. No more cannon shots fired during his run, but he kept going anyway, he wondered, how many tributes were left? Five died yesterday, and he couldn't be sure people didn't die in the night, or when he was still asleep, in the morning.

He slipped a couple times, and tumbled over hills another few times, but he had one goal. Towards the mountains. The Cornucopia was in front of a couple large hills that looked like mountains, but didn't seem big enough to be classified as one. Still, he made sure to stay away from the mountains the first day, however, today, they seem to be the safest place. He didn't stop for a breather at any point, in order to regain energy, he unscrewed his orange soda bottle, and took occasional sips, the feeling of the fizzy drink going down his throat almost felt addicting. He had to wipe his cheek every now and again, the blood dripping down his face, to his jaw.

    He ran for a while, it was hard to understand how long, but he knew he had been running for more than half an hour. So he stopped, catching his breath for a few minutes. He looked behind himself, seeing the smoke rise in the air. Looks like he'll need to find a new burrow to sleep in. He started to calmly walk towards the cornucopia again. He could still smell the scent of smoke in the air, how big was the fire? When did firebug even start the fire? George didn't know, he was just glad to get out of there before he could get hurt. Through the forest of naked trees, he could see the tip of the golden horn at the cornucopia. He smiled softly, one step closer to the mountains.

George's eyes widened as he heard a voice in the distance, "it was your job to keep an eye on the south area Fundy!" The sound of Quackitys voice yelled. George immediately crouched down, hiding behind some snow topped bushes as he peered through the bushes, seeing five people around the cornucopia.

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