Assasins game

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George awoke because of a massive headache. He tightened his eyelids as he raised his hand to his face, feeling his eyebrow as he shook his head, what happened? Last thing he could remember was that ferrets bite, and the net, and the person.

His eyes shot open, the person! He sat up, his breathing quickening as he struggled for air, looking around, his eyes were still foggy. "George" a voice stated, George looked up, seeing a bright light. He covered it with his hand, and looked next to the light, where he saw a person. A person he found to love.

"D.." his mind became hazy, he closed his eyes slightly as he watched Dream run over to him, and crouch down next to him. By the sound of a crackling fire, and the temperature being considerably colder, it was night time.

"easy George, you need to sleep.." Dream stated, as he leaned George up against whatever he was leaning on. George opened his eyes again, now, fully seeing Dreams face. The boy had a cut on his nose, and he had a bandage on his jaw, he had bandaids?

    George sat up again, despite Dreams words, "wh.. why?" George asked, he was still slightly in a daze. He looked down at his leg. His left pants leg was rolled up a bit, revealing his ankle which had been wrapped up in a bandage roll. The bandage roll looked familiar, then it all came back, Callahan, the ferrets, the poison, and the bite.

    "you got bitten by a Vialic" Dream stated, "drink this" He stated. George looked at what he was showing George. It was a blue water bottle. He grabbed it, and took a few sips, it was cold, and fresh. Not like the snow slushees he's been forced to drink. "You should consider yourself lucky" Dream laughed lightly, "you didn't get hypothermia or anything. Good thing you didn't get bitten more than once" Dream stood, and walked over to the fire, "care if I put this out? Don't want to draw anymore attention" Dream asked, George nodding his head. Is this what it feels to be hungover? Exhausted, in pain, and sad?

    Dream stomped out the fire, and walked over to George, sitting down in front of the boy who finished drinking all the water, "where'd you get this?" He asked, now a bit more awake.

    Dream tilted his head, "sponsor, the bite made you super dehydrated, so it's better you drank it than me" he smiled, "you should be good in the morning" Dream stated, George's eyes going wide.

    "Quackity!" He announced, setting the bottle aside, "he has a group, four people. He's hunting you Dream, he says that if he kills you, he'll get control or something!" George stated in worry. He wanted to ask Dream so many questions. How was he alive, was he healthy, was he well fed, has he killed anyone else, has he encountered anyone else?

    Dream nodded, "you talk a lot in your sleep George, I pretty much worked that out" George went super red, hopefully he didn't say anything embarrassing, "although, I'm curious" oh god. Dream tilted his head, a sweet smile on his face that made George just melt. It's been awhile since he's seen that smile, "You were asking me something in your sleep, well, asking someone at least" he laughed, "something about me being dead, and you looking for me"

George nodded his head in silence, "yeah, I was worried you might already be dead.." he wiped his face with his hand, he still had some liquid on his face after laying in the snow. "I'm glad to see you're okay though.." he smiled, looking up at Dream.

Dream laughed lightly, "I should be saying that to you really, you did almost die. Thank god Techno sent me this" Dream held up a small bottle. It was a brown bottle with a label on it that said, 'Vialic poison antidote, only take if spines or poison come in contact with skin and or blood flow'. George took the bottle.

"spines? Like porcupines?" He asked, Dream shaking his head.

"Vialic poison and porcupine quills are quite different. Vialics can only enter their poison upon contact, and they usually hunt in packs. I saw them in another hunger games quite like this arena, it's a capital mutation" Dream explained, George nodding.

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