The burrow

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George ran as fast as his feet would take him. He held the satchel tightly in his left hand, as his feet pelted against the snow. As he ran, he then slipped, and tumbled onto his side. He rolled down hill and landed on his stomach, immediately rising to his feet, and starting his running again, now with a limp in his left foot, great, just what he needed.

He ran with the wind blowing across his face, his throat growing cold as he breathed in and out repeatedly, his breath being visible in the cold air. He took turns at thicker bits of the trees, dodging around exposed rocks and holes in the ground.

Eventually, he slid to a stop, diving behind a tree, and sitting down with his back against the trunk, breathing rapidly as he tried to catch his breath. He had been running for a couple minutes, meaning he's probably quite far from the cornucopia, still, he keeps an eye on his surroundings. He swallows hard, then slides the strap of the black backpack to his arm, setting the satchel beside himself, he unzips the bag, looking inside to see its contents. He remembered what Techno said about the given bags, "They will hold a variety of different items to help you with survival, but the most rare things found in those bags are food, matches, watches, and weapons. If you get your hands on one, you'll want to understand your inventory before going out to hunt for tributes or food"

George looked inside, seeing a bottle of orange soda, Iodine, a whistle, and a tin can. He reached in, and pulled out the can, shaking it, it did sound like there was something in it, but he put it back, zipping his backpack up again. He stood up, and wrapped the satchel around his waist, it had four knives, that should be fine, as long as he gets them back after throwing them. He wasn't the best at throwing them, he only started throwing them for a few days, and he was pretty good, but he had never thrown them at a moving target.

    He slid the backpack up his arm again, having it on his back adding a little more weight to him. It would be a nuisance when running, but he wasn't about to get rid of it. He looked around, seeing the same image everywhere he looked, white snow and white trucked trees, with no leaves. Occasionally, a green bush with snow piled on top. warmth, that would be a priority, along with food. Considering the weather, most animals would be in hibernation, and not wandering around the area, so hunting would be an issue. Maybe he could fish? Perhaps, if he could find a river that isn't frozen over. Yeah, he'll do that.

And so he set out, with the sound of his boots crunching on the snow, and the smell of ice in the air. Eventually, he did decide running would make the time pass by faster, but he decided not to use too much of his energy, after all, he needed to find a safe, and warm place to sleep or else he would be exhausted and hungry all day. As he walked, he considered burying himself under the snow. But there were many problems with that suggestion, first, he'd probably freeze to death, second, if someone steps on him, or if the wind moves the snow, he'd be seen.

Maybe a tree? He looked up, he could see the sky almost clearly as the only things in the way were few thin branches of the naked trees. A tree wouldn't be that bad of an idea, but how would be get up there? And would it be obvious he's up there? After all, there are no leaves to hide his body. As he was devising a plan for sleep, he heard a cannon shot echo through the wind, he turned around at the sound, looking around frantically, Dream? Hopefully not.

He shook the idea out his head, no, Dream wouldn't die on day one, he was probably safe and sound hunting some deer, or starting a fire to warm himself. He knew he'd regret getting attached to the boy, but he got attached to people so easily it was almost a curse. He bit his tongue slightly, and kept walking, he needed to find a river fast or else he wouldn't have food. How could he even count on the idea of the river not being frozen over? What if there were no rivers? Maybe he shouldn't depend on the idea of a river. Perhaps that was the twist this game, no rivers. Maybe the capitol didn't think they needed rivers because they had the snow, and they could just melt it for water?

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