15: The Land Of Souls (36)

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Mia was also there. But the something was wrong with her. She is no longer the person she was..

She was showing her bunny teeth as she was talking to some other girls. She then looked at y/n and waved cheerfully. Y/n, who was thinking, 'I bet the next thing would be chocolates falling from the sky.'

Y/n quickly came out of the trance when she was pulled back, she landed on the seat. She quickly looks at her elbow, a person was holding her. She looks up to see Taehyung who was looking outside.

She didn't say anything just focussed on others.

The bus started moving through the dense forest. The ride was not silent, but the view was calm. The noise that the others were creating, was no longer their. Everyone was busy on their phones or sleeping.

Including Y/n.


Author's POV

Y/n was looking outside the window. Remembering what she has learnt about Elphinia.

(Just think Y/n is narrating this)


Long ago, when the Humans were made. The Goddess Of Creation, Weijin saw that humans, after they die, their souls remains on the Earth. And sometimes even make problems for other living beings.

She asked the other greater gods about this, and finally came to a decision; to make a land where all the souls are kept, Elphinia or The Land Of Souls.

To make it impossible for souls to escape, she made Soul Guardians.

{Correction: Please Change seal to soul, [I am very sorry for this mistake.]}

The Bus stopped with screech. Everyone started getting off the bus, viewing the scenery.

Taehyung:“The Sun is very bright here, I might get sun burn”

He quickly shoves his hand in his bags pocket, after digging for some time. He pulls out black glasses. He wears it without hesitation.

Taehyung:“Sir we need to reach hotel as soon as possible.”

He approached the Teacher.

Then they started talking about something and y/n who was away from them was looking their way.


Everyone reached the hotels, currently resting in their rooms.

(Me, who don't want to Write, *sigh*: It's gonna be long day)

Y/n's Perspective

4:30 PM

I am currently resting in my room with my roommates, which are non-other than Yeji & Oriana.

Well we chose our roommates ourselves so who is more better than Yeji & Oriana..

We were playing a lot of games but now we all are tired.

And suddenly I heard a noise, I sat on my bed which I was laying on and looked to my side where Yeji And Ori were resting. Ori was replicating my actions. We moved our gaze to the tiny figure laying on the bed with her hands wrapped around her stomach area.

She passed us a weird smile and slightly unwrapped her one arm and put it on the mattress to support her body for sitting. She used her other arm to brush off the piece of hair which was blocking the view of her face.

She lowered her gaze to the mattress and spoke with a low and soft tone.

Yeji: “I am hungry...”


There was pin drop silence, we (me and Oriana) were staring at her without saying anything. After not hearing anything from us she looked up and met our gazes.

Yeji spoke awkwardly.

Yeji:“What happened guys?”

As we know It was the silence before storm. Soon the room was erupted with laughter.

For a few minutes we were even in this world. We held out stomach tightly. Crying because of laughter.

Her face was really something that time.


The laughter was now dead. We were smiling at each other from ear to ear.

Y/n:“Why are you hungry didn't we have lunch just now"

I laid down on the mattress facing Yeji.

Yeji: “Cause this is my snack time”

Ori stood up from the mattress and went to find something in her bag, she took out a chocolate bar and passed it to Yeji, she quickly catched it, and said thank you. Before un wrapping and eating it.

Oriana:“You are lucky I have this..”

Yeji nodded in agreement.

Narration by Y/n:

The atmosphere was really good. We didn't even knew how many hours we spent talking to each other.

7:45 PM

It was time for lunch we went downstairs to meet the others. We are now heading towards the restaurant of the hotel.

Y/n:“It would have Been great if we took some thing to ride on, how long are we gonna walk?!!!!!”

The distance between our hotel rooms and the restaurant was too much to cover from leg.

Taehyung:“Want me to carry you?”

A voice spoke from behind me.

Y/n:“Why not?”

I was joking around the serious atmosphere trying to make it light. When I was suddenly lifted from the ground, into someone arms.

A Cologne hit my nostrils sending a chill down my spine. My apple cheeks, really became a red apple. My eyes um... they became as big as a window (in you house).

Y/n:“W-what are you t-trying to do?!!! PUT ME DOWN!!”,

I struggled under his firm grip.

Taehyung:“Didn't you just said you want me to carry you?”

His lips which were straight as a line were converted to a smirk.




I screamed with all my might. Only to realise that,

i was dreaming,’ I pat my cheeks

How can I dream about him, what's wrong with me, of all the people him and me.

I am totally lost in my thoughts. I couldn't even hear the door opening.... I was not in the world until someone decides to pat on my shoulder. I came back to the present, my mind was still clouded.

I looked to the side my sleepy eyes were replaced by shocked ones.

Y/n:“Who allowed you in?”

To Be Continued........

(Um, sowwy 😐)

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