12: Training (33)

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Lohan's eyes glistened with happiness.

Zen already went out of the office so he followed him in a hurry.

Lohan shouted, “I'm coming too.”

Lohan shouted as he wore his jacket in a hurry.

He saw Zen walking towards his car, opening the door. He hastily went to the other side before opening the door and getting in.

With that Zen drove of.


Y/n's POV

I lazily got up from my bed. Before going towards the kitchen to make something for me to eat.

Soon I heard the bell ring.

Who the hell is here at 8:35 pm? Huh?

I Mentally thought while going towards the main door.

I opened the door a little and a popped out of it.

The hand contained a small bag. I took the bag🛍️ and opened the door to see Zen and Lohan here.

Zen didn't even bother to ask me if he can come in. Behind him Lohan smiled at me while following him and plopping himself on the couch.

After coming in Zen straight went to the kitchen. I walked towards the Kitchen to see him rolling his sleeves up. Showing his veiny hands. He started making dinner.

(Y/n's will be referred as You in the following sentences.)

Y/n:“Finally some good dinner.”

You spoke to Zen with a pout.

Zen rolled his eyes. He was wearing an apron looking cute.

Zen:“You are fortunate that I come every Sunday, or else you would die by eating that ramen all week.”

You aggressively pouted and looked around. Your eyes caught Lohan sitting on the couch while talking on his mobile. He was pouting.

Y/n:“I know how to make good food, but I don't have the energy to make one.”

Your eyes didn't left Lohan's figure.

Zen:“Yeah, I know how lazy you are.”

He smiled while cutting the vegetables and you just passed a smile. And in moment Lohan started sobbing.

You both heard the noise making your both eyes widened. You looked at each other with wide eyes.

You both got out of the kitchen to see Lohan weeping and pouting, angrily.

Y/n's POV

Zen:“What did they say?”

Lohan looked up and saw us, his eyes widened and he quickly rubbed his eyes to remove the tears.

Lohan:“They scolded me......and said that they would send the team.”

I looked curiously at them both.

Y/n:“What matter are you guys talking about?”

I was looking at both of them with wide eyes. Trying to figure out what the f--- was going on.

Zen was leaning on the wall beside the TV.

Zen:“Lohan you tell”

Lohan's eyes widened as I looked at him with curiosity.


He then explained the whole story.

Y/n:“Holy Moly,”

I licked my dry lips.

Meanwhile Zen went in the kitchen to continue what was he doing.

Y/n:“So have you thought what are you gonna do now?”

I asked worried sick for them.

Zen:“Yea, we are gonna inform the Upper UHQ, then if they would take some actions we are gonna follow it.”

I looked at Zen. Who was cutting the vegetables

Y/n:“What actions can they take?”

I played with my fingers which were on my lap. While resting my head on the couch looking at the celling.

Zen:“There is a possibility of them taking either of two options.”

Lohan looked at him before sighing.

Y/n:“What are the two options?”

Zen looked at Lohan

Lohan:“Either they would kill the monster or they would let her rot in jail. But according to us, they would kill her.”


Y/n was walking towards University. She remembered what Lohan said. It's been 5 days since then.

Jessica's health has not improved. She keep saying that ‘She is gonna kill us.’

I have reached my university. I was walking in the corridors. When someone touched my left shoulder I turned towards my left and looked to see there was no one.

I looked infront and flinched hard. My hand made its way towards my chest.

Y/n:“You scared the heck out of me.”

Taehyung just giggled at me.

I gave him my death glare.

Tae:“Really, Bugaboo,”

Bugaboo, he is started calling me Bugaboo few days ago.
I like this nickname a Lot.

A tint of redness appeared on my cheeks. I looked around so that he could not see my redness.

Y/n:“What ever”

I mumbled and took a step towards my class. When I was pulled back and smashed (lightly) at the locker.

Tae:“Why you running? Without even letting me complete. Huh.”

He glared at me. And actually I was just a little scared.

I pushed him a little as his breath was hitting my cheeks.

Y/n:“See you at cafeteria.”

I could sense him glaring at me when I'm walking away.



The seal department was getting ready to get trained physically.

Y/n:“I'm ready, how do I look?”

Y/n showed my dress to her friend.

:“Fantastic girl.”

She smirked at her friend.

Y/n:“Not more than you, you look like you are gonna take all the boys heart, Yeji”

She rolled her eyes at y/n.

Y/n just chuckled at her reaction.

Y/n:“Lets go”

Everyone was already at their position, so they took their positions too.

Sir Lor:“Attention”

We all moved from our position.

To be Continued.........

Have you ever read (past form*) manhwa?

If you have drop some manhwa names in the comment.

(Cause I'm craving for some good manhwa.)


(I have corrected a thing, so if you don't wanna get confused.

The season 2 has started 1 year later okay.

According to that they are in 3-rd year. And the 3rd year is going to end in 6 months.)

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