Andy: I'm glad for that daddy. You will have a lot of fun there.

Pruit: I'll try to book tickets for Sunday.

Robert: We will take you to the airport.

Pruit: I don't want to upset them.

Robert: I insist on taking you.

Pruit: In that case, I appreciate it.

Andy and Robert stayed at Pruit's house until lunchtime and then went back to their house as they had some things to plan.

A few days passed and when the sun rose on Saturday morning, Andy woke up smiling. She was beaming with such happiness. She had the love of her life by her side and in a few hours she would also have the job she always dreamed of. What could she want more? Fulfillment in a personal and professional life was something few people can achieve, and she was grateful for the privilege.

She started to wake Robert with light kisses on his cheek.

Andy: Wake up sleepyhead. Today is the big day.

Robert was still very sleepy and resisted waking up.

Andy: Come on my love, we have a lot of things to do today.

Gradually Robert was waking up, because Andy did not stop talking. She looked like a child with such anxiety.

Andy: Besides the ceremony, we still have to get everything ready to welcome friends tonight.

Robert: Will they really come? I'm afraid you'll be disappointed.

Andy: Of course they will. I know them and I had my strategies to find out if they would come.

Robert: And may I know what you did?

Andy: They all think I'm a guest too, so I asked each of them who's coming and they all said they'll be there. Even Jack. He was reluctant at first, but since I'm also being promoted, he agreed.

Robert: And we'll do as we agreed, right?

Andy: Yes. Exactly as we agreed.

Robert: All right. So let's start getting ready, because the day will be full of emotions.

They got ready and each one in his car went to the place of the inauguration ceremony of the new positions. On the way, Andy picked up her father and so they arrived at the scene together.

When Andy and Pruit arrived, some members of 19 were already occupying the space in the audience and Pruit joined them, however, when he saw him, Chief Johnson went to him.

Johnson: Captain Herrera, today your daughter will be promoted, so we've reserved a spot for you onstage.

Pruit: I appreciate Johnson, but I'm going to decline. Today I am not Captain Herrera, I am just a proud father of his daughter. Other parents wouldn't have the opportunity to be onstage at such a ceremony, and so I want to be down here applauding my Andy's work being recognized.

Johnson: I understand and respect your decision.

Johnson then proceeded to the stage, and a few minutes later, he began the ceremony.

Johnson: Good morning, everyone. It is my pleasure to lead the promotion ceremony for the Seattle Fire Department. The first firefighter to receive his promotion this morning is Chief Lucas Ripley. He has been performing his new role for a few months now, but today he officially becomes Head of Department.

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