𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐬

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•Happy Ending•

No relationship is perfect, not even the ones you see on the internet, they may look perfect, but believe me they're not, nor is mine, in fact my relationship is far from perfect.

This off season has been kinda rough for Stefon and I, I've been on tour for the past six weeks, so when off season started I spent the first two weeks or so with him before I had to leave for tour.

Stefon is okay with my job, I'm a singer if you haven't noticed, he doesn't mind me going on tour at all, we have trust in each other and he pops up at a few of my shows to surprise me, however there were some rumors going around the past two weeks about me cheating on Stefon with one of my band members.

They're not true. Weather you believe me or not, I would never even think to cheat on Stefon, I love that man like nobody can.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is, currently Stefon is ignoring me, it's kinda pissing me off because he's ignoring everything, calls, texts, hell I've even sent an email but he will not talk to me.

"Hey Y/n/n, are you alright?" Rain, my drummer asked me as she walked into our shared dressing room.
"Stef still hasn't answered me." I sighed running a hand through my hair and sitting my phone down.
"Yes, I'm pissed off at him for it but I also just wanna cry because I hate not talking to him!" He's so frustrating really, but as I've said I love him.
"Damn, he hasn't even asked if they're true?" Rain wasn't any help, she wasn't good with emotions but I guess it's better than not saying anything at all.
"No, he sent me a post of me and Ryle and that was it." Ryle is Rain's twin brother, Ryle's a good looking guy but he's got nothing on Stefon.
"Maybe you should try and make him jealous then, I mean he did send you a post of you and Ryle so he's clearly hurt and probably jealous." I knew what she was saying but I didn't wanna upset him anymore than he already was.
"Believe me, if this were any other situation I would, but not this time, I just can't do that to him."
"Suit yourself." Rain shrugged before walking out of our dressing room.

"Stefon..." I just finished tonight's show, I want nothing more than to go home and sleep in his arms. But I can't, because I'm not with him.
"Stefon, please talk to me. I've been trying to call you and text you for days, hell I even sent out an email." I sighed into the phone, he's finally picked up, I don't think he meant to though.
"I don't want to talk to you." He sounded angry.
"You have to! Please!" We couldn't be over because of a cheating rumor... I won't allow it.
"Good night Y/n." And just like that the phone went silent, nothing but my breathing was heard in the room.

Call me crazy... but I needed to see him..

"Y/n? What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be in Vegas..." Stefon answered the door.
"And we're supposed to be a team, who talks about everything that's bothering us so we don't end up hating each other." I scoffed as I pushed passed him into our shared apartment.
"You can't just show up here at 1:30 in the morning and expect me to want to talk to you." Stefon looked at me with an unamused look, he was tired and pissed, as was I but he wasn't getting sleep until we talk.
"Well that's what I'm expecting so sit your ass down and start talking." Stefon rolled his eyes but quickly walked around the couch and made himself comfortable.

"Well?" I sighed as I stared at Stefon, he'd been sitting and staring at me for five minutes no words exchanged.
"Y/n you're cheating on me with Ryle?" He sounded so hurt.
"Stefon, no."
"No what Y/n? Because those pictures, you two were real close, he was holding your hand and everything." The hurt in his voice made my heart ache.
"Baby, I would never ever cheat on you, those pictures were at the venue in Palm Springs, there were so many people and I had an anxiety attack and Ryle helped me! He was helping me get away from the big crowd! Baby I swear I'd never cheat on you, please don't think like that."
I watched Stefon's eyes full with guilt as I explained what had really happened.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, I know that doesn't matter, and I really should've asked you before I assumed and ignored you for three days, baby I'm sorry." Stefon apologized as he moved from across the couch to next to me.
"Stefon I forgive you, but only because I really miss you and I've hated not talking to you, but it hurts that you would even think I'd cheat on you."  I know a lot of people would be pissed and not forgive, but I can never stay angry at him.
"I know..." Stefon looked away guiltily.
"Let's go to bed." I smiled at the thought of sleeping with him again.
"Y/n/n you have to get back to Vegas."
"Shows not until 9 tomorrow night, I'll be fine."
Stefon smiled, picked me up bridal style and carried me back to our shared bedroom.

"Do you know how much I love you?" I whispered as my eyes started to droop.
"Not as much as I love you." Stefon spoked moving hair from my face, I felt a small smile graze my lips just before my eyes shut and I was out.
Happy endings do exist...

-Authors Note-

Hello loves!! I know I've kinda gone MIA again🤦‍♀️ I apologize I've just had some writers block and I've been busy with school.
Which speaking of school I've got about two weeks left!! So I will be a lot more active when schools out!!

I know a few of you have requested something and I promise I'm working on it!! I haven't forgot about it, I've just been busy, but I promise I'm working on it and I'll have it out sooner or later!!

This was another request!! But I hope you all enjoy it!! Did you notice the Lana Del Rey lyric I slipped in?🤭 And the irony in the title because the last SD imagine I wrote was so heartbreaking😭 so I had to give you all one with a happy ending😋

Thank you all for being so patient with me and not rushing me!!
Much love🩷

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