We spent the next few hours playing different games until someone knocked on the door.

"Johnnie? You been in there for hours, I'm lonely, and Jordan annoying." I rolled my eyes. "I heard that!" "You was supposed to!" Jeydon and I snickered.

"Well if you can offer me anything more than Jeydon can than okay but until than I'm with Jeydon" I laughed

"I can offer a lot of things Johnnie, you'll just have to name them."

"Well I can't leave Jeydon alone, he needs a friend" I giggle and unlock the door.

He ran in shutting the door behind him locking it. "Damn it Kyle." Jordan yelled.

"Awe does Jordan want to see his baby?" I teased.

"Maybe." He mumbled.

"Well get ready boys were leaving in an hour" standing up I get clothes out of my room and head to the bathroom to shower.

Once I was done, I wrapped a towel around my waist, Kyle wanted into the bathroom after me. He took a shower, soon walked out with nothing, but a towel on.

He digged the drawer looking for some clothes to put on. He found a pair of boxer, I turned my head letting him put them on.

He soon put on a pair of skinny jean, and a Pierce the veil shirt, along with some bracelets. "It's not nice to stare." He smirked. I rolled me eyes, and continued putting my shoes on.

"Jeydon, Jordan are you'll ready?" "We was ready long ago." I rolled my eyes. "Let's go."

~~~~~~skip to the restaurant~~~~~
"Welcome, how may I help you?" "Table for 4." She smiled and nodded, we followed behind her. Kyle and I was hand in hand, she looked down at our hands and smiled.

"I'll be right with you." I smiled and nodded. Kyle pulled out my chair for me. Jordan follow his lead, Jeydon smiled and seat down.

"This place is nice." Jeydon said. "It's supposed to be." I laughed. They Lady came back "What drinks can I get for you?" "I'll have a coke." "Dr Pepper" "sundrop." "Pepsi." She nodded.

She came back a second later with our drinks. "You're ready to order, or do you need some time?"

We order our food, we talked and laugh among ourself waiting for the food to come.

Once the food came, we dug in. Food tastes different when your a vampire, but we still got to eat. It doesn't really fell us up.

After we was done, we left a tip. Making our way to the door. "Thanks come again." She smiled.
~~~~~~~~bowling rank~~~~~~~~~
We paid out way in, getting the right shoes sizes. "You guys wanna go against each other?" I asked. They looked at one enough and nooded.

"You guys can go first." I nodded. I grabbed the ball, I kissed Kyle for good luck. I throw the ball down the lane, it swerve a little and knocking all but three down.

I grabbed another ball sending it down the lane, it swerve and went into the gutter." I groaned. "Better luck next time babe."

Jordan was up, he send the ball down the lane getting a strike. "In your face." He laughed. I flipped him off. "That is not my job." "That's mine." Kyle laughed.

Kyle was up. He grabbed a ball looking at me, he winked and send the back down the line. The ball swerved a little, but still knocked all the pins down.

"That was a lucky shot." Jordan yelled. "Your mom was a lucky shot." Kyle joked. Jordan just rolled his eyes, he laughed a little too.

Jeydon was up. "Come on babe, you can do it." I seen Jeydon blushed. He throw the ball, it landed in the gutter. Jordan came over to Jeydon "let me help you." He grabbed a ball.

He placed it between his and Jeydon's hand. They brought they hand back sending the ball down the line, he knocked all, but 2 pens down. "Splitter."

My turned was up, I grabbed a ball. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, I turned slightly and smiled. "Let me help you." He placed his hand on top of mine. We brought our hands back, sending the ball down the line. It swerved, but knocked them down.

I jumped up and down, I turned pulled Kyle face toward mine.
We turns in our shoes and heading home. "Tonight was actually a great night." Jordan smiled, pulled Jeydon close to him.

"It actually was."

We walked inside the house, heading to our room.

"Movie night?" Jeydon asked all of us holding on to Jordan's hand.

"As long as we build a fort!" Kyle smiled at my response.

"We can have a movie night in our room." Kyle offered. They nodded.

We got our forts built and cuddled up next to each other and half way through "Mean Girls" I fell asleep on kyle, this was the best night I've ever had.

~Lots Of Love, Madi.

Forever mine (Kohnnie)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें