You Can't Kill A Ghost.

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This was it, this was the home stretch. Starting to roll out of where the aircraft was bedded, I called over my shoulder to Rooster. "Canopy?"

"Clear!" He called back, watching the canopy slowly come down on top of us and locking itself in. I pulled the F-14 around, pulling her straight. In position to take off, my eyes landed on the target. Our one way ticket back to the boat. "Both runways are cratered! How in the hell are we going to get this museum piece in the air?!"

"Don't think, just do." I whispered to myself under my breath, not loud enough for Rooster to hear me. Looking down at my control, I pushed the lever forward. Making the wings extend out. Hearing Roosters helmet make contact with the canopy,  I smiled to myself as he asked.

"Why are the wings coming out, ghost?" Pushing for power, getting ready to launch this son of a bitch. Rooster announced. "Ghost, this is a taxi way. Not a runway!" His voice panicked, as I didn't reply. "This is a very short taxi way, ghost!"

"Just hold on." I told him, punching it. Rooster exclaimed.

"Holy shit!"

Using all my strength to push the large ass aircraft into the air, I muttered myself small words of encouragement. Thinks like come on, pick up some speed you big son of a bitch.

"Ghost! Ghost!" Rooster yelled, as I used all my strength to pull back. Feeling my body scream in agony as the aircraft started to lift into the air, I flinched as I felt the front landing wheel come off as we knocked it on the water towers. "Holy shit!"

"Ahaha!" I cheered to myself, reaching back to pat Roosters knee. "Home route baby!"

As rooster sat there, stressed and getting his body settled from the intense pressure of the large aircraft being pulled into the air. He connected his eSAT to the aircraft, he connected himself to the boat. Many miles away from them, a grieving crew gasped as they saw Roosters eSAT appear on screen.

"Sir! We're receiving a signal from roosters eSAT. There seems to be a malfunction." One of the crew alerted the admirals. 

"Have you lost him?" Admiral Bates questioned, the crew member looked over his shoulder to look at him. Smiling in awe of the impossible.

"No sir... he's supersonic."

"He's airborne." Admiral bates looked to Admiral Beau.

"In what?" Beau asked.

"Sir, overwatch reports an F14 tomcat is airborne and on course for our position." Another officer alerted them, Hondo who held his head low. His eyes widened as he sat up straight.

"It can't be, it can't be!" Bates couldn't believe it.

"Ghost." Beau spat out, amazed as he looked over to Maverick. Who had tears of joy rolling down his cheeks.

"I guess the saying is true." Maverick got to his feet. "You can't kill a ghost." Admiral Beau walked over to the command station, pressing down on the communication button. Alerting Hangman, who sat in his aircraft in bits and pieces of pain and suffering.

"Lieutenant Seresin, get yourself ready for take off. It's time to bring Rooster and your girl home." He ordered, Hangman gasped in his seat, wiping the tears from his face. He looked up to the skies, muttering to himself.

"Thank you, sir."

Heyyyyy guys! I am back, sorry that there hasn't been an update for a while. Life has been crazy, I hope you guys are well!

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