i; sob story

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     I was but a kid, eleven years of age crawling on the ground for leftover scraps of food; only ever luck being bread crumbs or dirt. It was hard to come by considerate people in the world, i'd be lucky if I was given a penny or two. To be fair, it wouldn't have helped them, nor me. I mean, what's a mere penny to buy? It's not like it would put clothing on my back, or a plate in front of me, or even a roof over my head.

     My parents were poor as is. Their small town bakery underwent construction as it was to be remodeled, but it became a liability more than an asset. Loads of loans were taken out of the bank, and their credit wasn't looking very good either. It was dumb of them to reach so high for something so far. We lost the bakery, our only source of income and shelter. It was truly horrific.

     A few years passed and my parents eventually died off from an illness. We didn't have the money to afford any medicine, and nobody was willing to help. It was a pretty traumatizing thing, but it showed me how cruel the world is, how selfish human beings are. It taught a lesson I still follow til this very day.

     I was able to find someone like me along the way. Her name was Cecelia, all but a few years younger. Her family is better off than we were, but it's still not all sunshine and rainbows. They sort of took me in as their own, and while it would never feel the same I craved comfort. The absence of my mother and father changed me as a person. I was extremely grateful for whatever I received but god I was so damned with everyone around me.

     One day, we were running along the street trying to pickpocket some gentlemen passing along. I remember us failing so horribly they noticed before our hands even landed in their pockets! Of course we didn't give up there, though. A mean looking lady came walking by, I grabbed onto her legs while Cecelia grabbed her purse. The bitch kicked me in the gut I tell you! But oh god, it doesn't stop there. No, it got much worse than that.

     Turns out her boyfriends, plural, started chasing us down a long ally. There was this weird green pipe behind the dumpster. I tried scooting in to hide, Cecelia was right behind me but one of the men grabbed her before she could make it. I turned around to go help but I got sucked into this thing. It was as though I was going to a different dimension of some sort. I ended up landing in a forest with no sign of life, I was truly stranded. Not only did I lose my family, but my second family too. I tried going back into the pipe but it just didn't work, I had no way of returning home.

     Even more time has passed, I was fifteen at the time, now twenty three. I had to make do with this world, I came to peace with what has happened in my past. I can't say i've moved on, but i've grown- ... into an awful person. Not only am I a thief still, but I kidnap people for money. It's not an easy job, but this world isn't free, either.


;𝗯𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗵𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿 ''' 𝗯𝗼𝘄𝘀𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now