Time skip to on the lake parked at an island

We drove around for a while before settling up on a small island it has gazebos and picnic tables and a fire pit. When we got off the boat, Caitlin ran straight to the water. I grabbed her before she could get to the water and double-checked her life jacket and took off her shoes and my shirt. I grab her hand and walk with her to the water the waves from the passing boats hit our feet and she squeals and looks at me and points at the water and says "Go in pwease," she tugs on my arm. I say, "We can go in in a minute, ok?" she huffs and stomps her foot, splashing water on my leg and splashing her face. I give her a pointed look, trying not to laugh at the shocked face she made when the water hit her face. I started walking away as she huffed once more and slowly followed me. We walked over to the group, and we started talking about what we were doing. We talked for a few minutes before most of us got in the water. I grabbed Caitlin and carried her into the water. I got to where the water was almost to my shoulders and stopped. I gave Catie a minute to get used to being this far out than I let go of her, her body immediately becoming tense as she clings to me. I give her a second to adjust to me not holding onto her and every once in a while reassuring her that I've got her by rubbing her back and saying "You're ok I got you," once I felt her body relax I offered her my hands she slowly takes them going through the same routine we do every time we're in the water her hands in mine and her legs wrapped around my waist until eventually she unwraps her legs only holding my hands. I slowly walk backward as she kicks her legs, swimming towards me. I notice that she is starting to get tired, so I take her to where everyone is sitting on floats or swimming around and talking. Will swam over and took Catie from me, and she starts saying, "Swim Uncle Will swim. Daddy's gonna get us." Will puts her on his back and starts to swim away. "Daddy's a water monster," she squalls. "Why am I always the monster?" I question. "Cause you're my daddy dats wat daddies do." She says, looking at me like I'm dumb. "Oh, is that right, and where'd you hear that from." She points at Will and says, "Bubba tolded me."I didn't tell you that," Will said, looking at her with an eyebrow raised. She shrugs her shoulders and gives me a sneaky smile before splashing me. I flinch, trying to get away from the water and say, "Oh, it's on," I swim towards her." "Eeeek swim Will swim," she squeals, and Will starts swimming away. After chasing her for a minute, Will starts to get tired, so we stop. Adam grabs Catie and throws her into the air a couple of times. It's getting close to lunchtime, so we all head to shore to eat. I start getting mine and Catie's food together while Adam chases her around. We stay on land and play for a while. we play kickball and frisbee along with some other things. After we eat, I change her swim diaper, and a couple of us take the boat out for a little while. While riding around, I can tell Catie's getting tired cause she won't sit still, so I pick her up and take her to the back end of the boat and sit down. "Un-uh," she whines, trying to get out of my arms. "Nope, sorry, Cait, but you need to take a nap." I say make my hold tight enough to where she can't get out of my arms. "No, Daddy, I wan a play," she cries. "I promise as soon as you wake up you can play," I say, wiping her tears with my thumb, giving her her paci, and start humming a song. She shifts every once in a while, trying to get comfortable. I start talking to Kelly, Will, and Adam. I lay Catie on the seat once she has fallen asleep, and we all start having fun. we had some drinks jumped off the boat and a bunch of other stuff. Caitlin eventually woke up, and we played in the water some more. We got back on the boat and went to pick up the rest of the group. After about an hour or two more of just riding around, we headed back to shore so we could go get dinner. We get back, and I change Catie into a clean diaper and her dinner clothes before giving her to Erin and April and changing my clothes as well. While the rest of them changed, I took Catie on a walk on the dock. After everyone changed, we went out to eat.

Time skip after dinner at home 10:45 P.M.

Caitlin fell asleep on the car ride home, so I carried her in. She woke up, and I gave her a quick bath, then put her to bed. Then, after getting a shower myself, I lay in my bed, and everyone was sending pictures to the group chat. Apparently, someone took pictures of us on the dock. As I scrolled through the photos, I could slowly feel myself drifting off, so I put my phone down and slowly fell asleep.

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