Prologue - A New Threat

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Prologue - A New Threat

 New York City - April 13th 2017
(Alternate Universe Post -Season 4)

A new year has reign in New York City, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles remain victorious over the defeat of the Super Shredder and most of the mutated enemies are restored to their original human selves and are defeated.

Even Splinter miraculously survived his injuries and remains rested to recover from his near-death experience.

Everything was pretty much back to normal and the Hamato Clan was back in action after a while of peace and recovery from the ultimate battle of the clans.

Karai or Miwa as she was named since birth has taken control of the Foot Clan and is working to restore it to its original state with honour and duty to protect the city and the world like it originally did before Oroku Saki took over.

The mutated family was still the same old family that they were ever since that night they first went to the surface but ever since that battle with the Super Shredder, things for the turtles slowly begin to change in them.

Leonardo still trains his hardest to be the perfect leader but lately he has been feeling a sense of darkness and uncertainty because of what he did to kill the Shredder. Despite that it could never be prevented and it needed to be done the way the Shredder was going, Leonardo nevertheless took a life and worried about his moral code that he swore to never use his skills to murder anyone, even if it was against the Shredder.

Donatello, still the intelligent turtle in the world, feared that he almost failed to save Splinter from death and he was always the one who fixes things and that one time when he almost failed, it send the poor turtle into a state of worry too that what if one day, he cannot fix anything and he could've done more than he thought he could. He had a mind to upgrade his weapons but Splinter always informs him that Donatello can do anything even without the technology as long as he believes in himself.

Yet despite all the failures in his inventions at times and almost losing the very person who raised them since they were babies, it continues to eat Donnie alive like a poison slowly infecting him.

Raphael was not any better, he almost lost his rage that night Splinter was injured and almost killed the Shredder and nearly attacked anyone who got in his way. It took Casey and the other brothers to calm him down but the fact he almost stabbed his own brothers and his best friend that night made the red-masked turtle afraid that his anger was finally getting up to him and worried that one day he'll do something that he'll regret.

And last but not least, Michelangelo, the baby of the brothers, felt useless since he felt like if only he could've been stronger and stopped screwing around then Splinter wouldn't have nearly died and they could've done a lot of things better and quicker without any issues whatsoever.

Splinter can sense his sons distress and worries over the course of the three months since Shredder was destroyed and it finally blew to escalation when he heard yelling in the dojo.

"Damn it, Mikey! Will you stop making so much noise?!" Raphael snapped.

"Enough Raph!" Leonardo exclaimed at the hot head.

The humanoid rat barges in and sighs out: "What is going on now?"

"We're medicating, sensei, just like you ask us too" Donnie replied.

"Yeah and a certain someone" Raphael glanced at the embarrassed orange mask turtle. "Won't stop making noises and stay still"

"I can't help it, Raph! I do the very best I can" Mikey protested.

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