CHAPTER 10 - The Proposal

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OH MY GODD!!! This was my reaction after I got to know that our half yearly exams were 2 weeks ahead. I knew they were close but I had no idea that I was not updated on the news. I still had so much to do. Files, assignments and work. AND MATH. Fucking Math. I was screwed.

I had stopped the classes with Saaransh as we had decided. He had to study really hard, harder than me because of his stream. So did I. We both had become good friends and helped each other whenever possible.

I was sitting in my History class and Rakesh sir was teaching us Nomadic Empire and it was interesting. I needed to study with focus so that I could score good but it seemed a little difficult as I was sitting with the most talkative and entertaining persons. My best friends.

"Will you guys please shut up?". I hissed at them but instead of taking me seriously, they laughed. I gave a note to myself to choose the first seat for the next weeks so that they would shut up and study. I didn't want them to fail. They were good students and scored good marks but they needed some seriousness in their life and I didn't think they were in the mood to do that for themselves so, I would do that for them. They were still gossiping about some new teacher when Rakesh sir saw them talking and glared at them.

"Stand up, you two. Idiots.", he shouted at them while the class went silent.

"Get out of the class.", he dismissed them and they both moved outside the class as there was no point in giving explanations to him. He never listened to anyone.

Great. Now I was the only girl sitting in the row and I would have to bear this monstrous teacher alone. I would take revenge from Ira and Sam once I saw them.

I was done with all my classes. FINALLY! I had slapped both of my friends on their backs after we met to take my revenge for leaving me in the dangerous den of Rakesh Sharma. We were now going to the cafeteria. Ira and Sam were talking about some dance but I wasn't really listening to them.

"Hey babe. Aren't you going to the spring dance?", Sam asked me while we were taking our food.

"Spring dance? Do they do these American things here also?", I asked her surprisingly. These dances were very famous in countries like the USA and Canada. I didn't know they had started doing these things here in India as well. All three of us went to take our seats.

"Yeah. That's new here. These events have been here for last two years when our council members suggested this idea to the management. Actually we students wanted to have some fun and it would benefit the school as well. So, they actually got convinced.", Sam explained.

"But isn't it supposed to be in April?", asked Ira.

"It is. But it was postponed. So? Who are you guys gonna ask?"

"I am not sure if I even want to go. We have got our exams.", I said to her.

"Me too.", agreed Ira.

"Guys!!!! You both are so boring. We should be enjoying our school days. This was why the dance has been started. And it's just a matter of few hours. It won't make any difference.", Sam tried to convince us. When I saw Ira, it appeared she was actually considering her idea.

"I think she is right Ella. These two years are all we have got. And it won't make any difference. You are a very bright student, you will be able to manage. Come with us, na?"

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