CHAPTER 5 - Meeting Him

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One week had passed. I had adjusted to everything, not only at school but at living here too. I didn't miss my home. I did miss my family but not anything else. I never had that beloved friend circle that everybody else of my age seemed to have. I have never fitted anywhere... Especially among my so called friends. I spoke less and they didn't like this about me. I was less enthusiastic and anti-social. That was the reason why no-one has really gotten attached to me.

It was time for me to go to school. I ate pasta for my breakfast for a change. The weather was really nice as I had witnessed proper sunlight here for the first time. It was amazing to experience sunlight and cool air at the same time.

When I reached the school, very less students were there. I was early today. I parked my Scooty and moved to a bench. I started reading Pride and Prejudice as Mrs. Martin had given an assignment on it. I was lucky that she was teaching the same novel that I was currently reading.
In political science, our teacher Mr. Manish Verma taught us very well. I never liked politics but somehow reading the subject was different. It was interesting and I liked the subject.

It was now Philosophy period and sir had already taught the chapter so everyone was gossiping.

"Did you notice that guy from your mathematics class? " asked Sam to Ira.

"Whom?" she asked surprisingly.

"That boy Aryan from PCB. He looks so cute. When he talks to you, he looks at you like he is just obsessed with you girl! How could you not notice.", said Sam excitedly.

"Slow down Sam. Sir will hear us. And yeah. I have noticed it too" I joined the conversation before Sam could tell the whole class by shouting.

"See Ira."

"You too Ella? You're supposed to be my best friend."

"I am. We both are. That's why we are talking about this." I assured her.

She shook her head dramatically and put her head down.

I reached to her and tried to talk to her, "Hey babe. Listen. You don't need to worry about it. That's what we think and we think this way because we noticed." After few minutes she put her head up and calmed down.

Sam suggested, "You don't worry. If anything happens come to us. And if you like him then first tell. Okay? "

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Look guys. It's not that I hate him." When she talked about Aryan, Sam and I both could see that that there were chances of happening something between those two. It was just she didn't know herself. "He is a nice and sweet guy. But I don't like him that way. Okay?"

"Okay" both of us replied in unison. And after that Sam and I looked at each other and controlled our smiles.

It was now time for the optional period. It had been a week but he hadn't come yet. So, today I entered the classroom expecting his chair to be empty, but to my surprise I saw Aryan and Saaransh talking with each other.
I was with Ira so we both took our seats.

Sir came and asked Saaransh about his long absence. The question I was dying to ask him.

"Sir, there was some family emergency so... " replied him.

Family emergency... I hoped everything was fine with him.

"You have missed a lot of things kid. You need to buckle up." advised Mr. Sengar.

"Absolutely sir."

The class was over. Ira started moving out and Aryan quickly joined her. Saaransh and I was left. I was about to get up when he said, "HI".


"What's up? "

"I am good. I should be the one asking you that."


"So? What happened?"

"My... My grandma. She passed away. "

"Oh... Oh.. I am sorry."

"Yeah... She was my great grandmother. She was quite aged so it was obvious I guess. But it still hurts and I was really close to her", he said feeling sad and nostalgic.

"I can understand. I miss my great grandma too." I said remembering.

Few minutes passed and we didn't say anything. Then Saaransh started.

" Can I ask you a favor?" he asked hesitantly.

"What's that? "

"Can you teach me Math? I have missed so much. I might get failed. Please help me. Will you? " he asked without taking a break. He looked so nervous that I was sure he had stopped breathing for a minute.

Five minutes had passed and I was still processing his request. Me? I was going to teach him? How? Where? How? I know I was good at it but it doesn't mean I could teach him. He was still requesting to me.

"Stop!" I said loudly "Stop. Okay. I will help you. " Did I have any other option? I meant I could deny him but it would sound rude. Won't it?

"Thank you so much Ella. I owe you. Where and when are we gonna start?"

"Today at Green Field Park. 4pm. Fine? "

"Perfect. Can I get your number?" he asked looking hopeful. I stared at him and when I didn't say anything he added, "Just in case if I have to inform you"

"I don't own a phone" I replied feeling stupid.
Who in this 21st century don't own phone? Me. Only me.

"Ohkay. See you then." he said and then he left. I stared at the blank wall reprocessing the whole conversation.

I was going to meet Saaransh Malhotra. And I was going to teach him Math. As much as I wanted it to be unreal it was not.

I reached to my home and made very light lunch. Then I went to my room and started waiting for 4 o'clock while watching Twilight.

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