CHAPTER 7 - The Invitation

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I was going to be freaking late today. Last night I was watching TVD and I stayed up till 1 am. I thought I would be able to get up. But apparently I was wrong. I needed to rush. I just took a shower, dressed myself up and then ran towards the door. I didn't have time to make breakfast so I decided to eat something during the break time.

I reached school 5 minutes late and sighed with relief. I sprinted towards my classroom and searched where my two Best friends were sitting.

"You're late Ella." said Sam.

"Thanks for telling." I replied sarcastically, breathing a little heavily. Ira coughed a laugh.

"What happened? Why are you late?" asked Ira seriously.

"I was watching TVD last night." I shrugged.

"Great. I am also thinking to watch it since you told me so much about it."

"You should.'

"You guys should watch K-dramas. These American shows are stupid." Sam said.

"We will. Some day. One day." I said and Ira and I both chuckled.

Mrs. Martin had asked all of us to bring few documents that I obviously forgot to bring. Those documents also required my parents signature, so instead of saying that I forgot I said that my parents didn't live in town. She gave me few days to bring the documents. So, I would have to call my dad here for doing the formalities.

Half of the day was over in a blur. It was breaktime. Ira and Sam were going to the canteen. I usually preferred sitting on the bench just outside the campus and read my book. But today I was fucking hungry. So, I called them from behind.

"Hey, I am coming with you two."

They both stared at me then Sam said, "Thank God you are not diving right into your novel in the break time", then three of us started proceeding towards the canteen.

"We thought we will never get to eat together in school.", said Ira happily.

"She reads books in the recess for fuck's sake Ira!"

"You can't use that word here. And don't exaggerate." I replied.

When we reached there, Ira took a burger and Sam took an extra cheese sandwich. I picked pizza because of two reasons- First because I was hungry and second I loved Pizza. We all then moved to our seats. I was really surprised when I got to know that they gave Pizzas in the canteen. I mean who gave pizza in the school for crying that aloud. But I discovered that it was more like a cafeteria than canteen. They both were talking and soon we were joined by Ally and Nihal.

"We were planning to go party or something. You guys wanna join us?", Nihal was saying with great enthusiasm.

"It would be fun." said Ally.

"Hey! That sounds cool. What do you say Ira and El?" Sam was excited too. But I wasn't. So I said, "No, guys. You all go and have fun. I have got things to do."

They tried to convince me some more and when Ira said that we were having only two years together, I could not refuse her.

"It's going to be a casual and fun party. So, wear something casual. Okay", Nihal told us.

"Got it", all replied.

"I am going to get us Coke. You want some?" asked Ira and I nodded.


It was time for me to go for Math. Saaransh might have reached there. I got ready. I liked the top I was wearing, it was simple yet cute. I then picked up my books and went to the Green Field.

Saaransh was wearing a black jeans and a brown jacket. He was looking like he was ready to go for a party.

"Why are you in these clothes?", I asked him the second I reached to him.

"Hello to you too." he said smiling, his smile taking my breath away and making me confused. Oh. I haven't even greeted him and was bombarding him with questions.


"I am going to attend Nihal's party. It's at 6:30. I thought I will get late so I am going to go directly from here.", he explained.

"Oh I see. I were gonna ask the same. I mean if we could finish it early.", I asked him.

"Sure, sure. I can take you to the place. If you want."

I liked how he always gave a chance to say either yes or no to him. With him, it was my choice to do what I like. But going with him was too much. "No, I am going with my friends." Instead of telling a straight no, I said that which was not a complete lie. Sam had told me that they both would wait for me at Ira's because her place was near the party spot. And then we would go together.

"Oh. That's great."

We then started with the questions and after half an hour we were done.

"I didn't think you were going to come." He suddenly said it.

"And why was that?", I asked him almost sounding offended.

"I mean you don't look like you are a fan of parties.", he was right. Again. I never liked parties and because of that reason I never gave party to my friends back home. But here it was different. In a very short time Ira and Sam have become really important to me. And I was not going to miss any chance of spending more time with them.

"Yeah. My friends are making me come there." I shrugged smiling.

"Friends are sometimes trouble." he said chuckling.

"Yeah. But they are life too. If you have got the right ones." I agreed.

"Hmm", he was looking at me again.

Getting self conscious I said, " I think I should leave. I don't wanna get late. Otherwise those two troubles will come home."

"Bye. See you in a few hours." he said sounding hopeful and excited.


After reaching my home, I stood in front of my closet trying to find something to wear. And looking at my clothes, I was sure, I won't be able to go.


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