Chapter 43: How Hope Vanquished

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Syntel and Lilac's eyes watered.


The connection cut out, much to Vanquish, moreso, Gordel's rage. "Fairy, continue!"

Lilac bawled from more electricity.

"Gordel, stop please! We just got out of a fight, you knocked us out, and her resistance to electricity can only do so much. Let her eat to replenish enough energy."

"Syn," jittering, "it's okay. You deserve to know about her," sobbing. "I want to know the truth too."


"Ugh, fine," summoning a plate of food and chucked it down while lowering the voltage. "Can't we torture Twinkerbell just a bit more?"

Gordel crossed his hands. "Stop, my best friend's child is not a play toy!"

"I, we, meant, the demon. Sorry," slightly blurting disgust at Syntel.

After Lilac finished, she gave him the nod to continue much to Syntel's mixed feelings, enduring the jolts as the screen continued. 

A large grassy shaped deity the size of the room crouched down to Soledad.

"We've met before, have we not?"

"Mommy, you know her?"

"We've conversed," leaning her away from two shapes equivalent in stature, one with flaming wings underneath their cloak, and another with bags under their eyes. "Don't fret, she's no threat."

"Holy Vermillion and Alucard, that's a-"

"Vampire and Phoenix. That's her," Vulcan whimpered, interrupting and waking up in awe. "The high fae!"

"Wait, Akuma has more than one ruler?"

"When we left, there was only one. There were rumors, but they were never seen or that active and I only heard speculations Lilac's crimes involved one of them. Barely anyone knows the truth. But my love-"

 "It's okay," tearing up, willing to keep going.


"Lilac will take our guest to our extra quarters. She'll be under my protection during our stay. Soledad, I apologize for his paranoia."

"Thank you. Hey Dracula or whatever, if you're so strong, let's continue our talk unless you're afraid of a mere mortal like myself, ok-ay," with just a sprinkle of salt. "We aren't going to invade you, so you don't need to slice anyone," shaking her fist, "else."

"Mortal humanoid, silence your tongue and address me as Lord Ruthven Dracula! Spathiphyllum, don't be as soft as your predecessor, she's up for interrogation."

"Ruthven," the phoenix beckoned. "What did you do during your travels?"

"What was necessary," walking away. "You slip up, Earthling, you'll join your friends."

Soledad's smile held back tears as Queen Spathiphyllum asked the demons who followed the vampire to leave as those in the present saw Lilac follow them..


Vulcan dragged himself from the mercy of the winged fire beast towards the meadow.

"Auntie, could you get him those specialties from the garden?"

Soledad arrived as Vulcan fainted, helping her make a concoction, resting his head near a pond, while giving him something to eat as he showed signs of recovering.

"Awnh, I'll get out of your hair. The fire doggie's coming to fight him later, right?"

"If I heal him in time, his muscles might be ready."

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