Chapter 40: Invasion! Demon Festival!!

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By the end of the week, the rest grew in anticipation as Zira, Shen, and Tristan returned from their meetings.

Her thumbs up had them relieved.

"You didn't mess up," Van teased much to her dismay.

'I just spoke calmly, even if they're obviously doing it to get sympathy points for him and Auro-ouch!"

Shen lightly sheathed his fist from her side, now walking on an ankle brace. "Point is we do it. Van, Crystal, did you organize all the notes?"

"Easy! We're all set."

The morning week before Thanksgiving started the beginning of the festival. At the booth, Syntel and Lilac brought over a plentiful spread from their garden on Zira's suggestions. While some were normal, charging more for the demon flavored soups, salads, and drinks surprised them.

Zira arrived with a dark skinned young muscular man with dark-blue hair and a sharp gaze whose biceps were covered by a black cloak, leaving Lilac trying to not gawk at the firewood he brought back. He ignited a small campfire with wooden swords as people arrived.

Syntel noticed his sister's attraction to Vulcan's human camouflage, and activated his own, allowing Lilac to go to work cooking in the open until time would run up.

As they garnered an audience, a shirtless Tristan arrived with a heavy load of fish and hefty rod, earning gazes from a variety of bodies. Crystal lumped a shirt for him to their disappointment.

"No one objectifies our hunky Adonis!"

Aurora typed, Wasn't that part of the pl- only for Crystal to snatch her phone. Annoyed, she set up paper vines and origami selling for cheap, admiring the look of the I'm a Survivor Shirt on her and Tristan.

While the fish cooked, Van's spiritual awareness on the spot to pick for their stand and Hyun acting as a spy in the audience to lead them attracted more buyers.

Next to them, Chris and Dolores' Latino Noir Club were prompting funds to support their union. The other cultural organizations, sports teams, and programs got more attention.

After whispering to her boyfriend's sister, Zira was handed two specifically made cuisines, offering them to Chris and Dolores, with a cheerful grin.

"For us?"

"You're being us? Please, stop, it's creepy."

She shook her head, maintaining that smile. "We talked about this, we can be respectful and," lightly screaming as a force tripped her, spilling both on the two. While the culprit ran away, Dolores was ready to curse them out. Chris had to cover her mouth from blurting expletives.

Zira apologized, quickly leaving them flustered from her thorough cleaning of their bodies, asking her friends to whip up another one.

By the afternoon, the Soul Crossers' demon partners hid around Syntel's dorms. Most of them were worried about the three hour limit. Witherson approached them as Syntel and Aurora grinned.

Shen sighed. "Time to pack it up?"

"Nonsense. You're all doing quite well for yourselves. Syntel, Aurora, given the circumstances, we agreed to write an appeal for you all to extend your time for today. Thank you for participating in the investigation regarding Jonathan Anderson and Brent Bregetz."

Hyun, Van, and Crystal cheered, and the others took turns taking breaks for the other activities: rubber bounce houses, obstacle courses, Cornhole, dart throwing, and other food venues.

 Though Zira spent the most time at their stand, Syntel and Aurora eventually pulled her away, joining them for bobbing apples, watching performances, including Jace's band, and trying out foods from different stands.

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