Chapter 4: Relationships and Rivalries

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Lilac activated a switch on the brace and changed back into the shape of a plant. Her voice appeared in Syntel's mind to his confusion.

"I believe it's because of our connection, but don't use it often if your head feels overwhelmed."

"Got it," trying to figure out what to do. He cobbled up all the debris from the floor and tossed it out his dorm's window, found a strange scent in one of the rooms, and rushed to Zira's aid as she got up.

"I was just coming up here, was someone screaming earlier?" She blinked. "Why's so many people on the floor?"

"That's um, why I screamed," Syntel claimed. "I'm used to living with one person passing out from beer, not multiple people."

She noticed Agreullous' host and he joined her to see who it was in depth, finding the LNC: Latino Noir Club logo on his jersey.

"They started early, but I wasn't having the best time. Last I checked I left, and there was someone who collapsed near a tree. How'd I end up here?"

"Maybe someone saw you passed out and dragged you here," Syntel assumed. "Who caused the possession, Agreullous or well Vanish...Reaper?"

Jace got up to the sound of his phone ringing, claiming the delivery service was still waiting for him. His RA and others woke up, also curious.

"Uh I came back from dinner, everyone was knocked out. I wasn't-um-sure Jace vaped a lot or if it was something else so I screamed for help. Hey, is there a weird scent in anyone else's rooms?"

Two of their dorm mates put masks on, and asked everyone to come to their room. "It smells like weed. Like I can't deal with that twenty-four seven." Her roommate agreed they didn't know the source.

The RA inspected the room, diving into the radiator and grabbing a bag of weed. Syntel's face dropped. His only knowledge of weed was his peers in high school's desire for social clout and learning from music videos. Unlike the latter, this weed wasn't Brussels sprouts to trick the uninitiated.

"The one who lived here before probably hid it during inspections so they wouldn't get points. Smart cookies," offering them to stay in her room until the smell was gone. As they were relieved, Syntel watched his roommate get reprimanded for smoking indoors after he returned with pizza and wings, threatening to write them up.

'Um," darting to Jace's side. "We didn't know. Care to change your mind with some food," taking two wings and a slice off much to his chagrin.

"Fine, the scents probably got mixed up, but we're just recovering from a pandemic, we don't smoke inside for a reason. But on one condition."

Jace regrettably shared most of his food with everyone. Syntel took three slices, offering it to Zira, himself, and Agreullous' victim, who introduced himself as Marcus Grayson, and taking some wings.

"Let's go to LNC. Marcus, just try and get some rest," Zira offered.

After leaving Lilac at the dorm and splitting off, Syntel followed her to the Cultural Center not too far from Bundle. The red flags of her cracking knuckles and heading into the basement of a building started to fade as they counted several people talking.

The head guy in charge introduced himself as Chris Haze, another dark skinned male with more fashion taste Syntel could ever care for. 

"Alright, the meeting's gonna start soon. For those that entered, simple icebreaker: grade, major, and hobbies." Next to him, a blonde pastel woman with a beanie on her head asked Chris if she could leave, flashing her designer clothes while counting money until he convinced her to say.

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