Chapter 14: Verbal Volcanoes

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Zira raced back to the Fitness Center. As others were taking pictures, she zipped past Dolores and Chris. Vulcan adjusted her sense of smell, noticing something off. The Animalia got two scents: Algor's was still stronger, but there was a recent whiff of the Shinigami.

Vulcan peered through Zira's memories of the fire: resonating with her terror and panic of that day. He investigated the surroundings through her point of view. In the windows of the building, a figure he assumed was her friend had a shadow above the flames.

Zira panted heavily, snapping out of the memories seeing the venue engulfed in flames.

"There was someone else?"

"Try not to overclock your brain. Revisit the site."

Zira opened the entrance to the barn shaped structure, nervously eyeing down the rubble. Even with most of the parts rebuilt, Vulcan's physiology found more traces of scent around.

"It's faint, but surprisingly active," he figured.

Zira gasped. "Could it be the same person? No, the freshmen wouldn't make sense, which leaves Tristan or Ryan. But that shadow, that wasn't human. What on earth is going on?"

She yawned. "Go get some rest and eat. You've had a long day."

Zira accepted Vulcan as her inner consciousness, too fired up to question otherwise. He left her to meet with Syntel and Lilac, who brought him to their training section of the forest.

"Line up and salute in numeral attention!" He pointed his sword at them.

Syntel gave him a salute. "Uno!"

Lilac followed suit. "Two! Wait, how are you going to train us as a spirit?"

Vulcan lunged to possess Syntel's body, but the Soul Brace blocked it.

An idea came to the new adult's head. He merged with Lilac, leaped in the air, and gathered several branches. After they separated, Lilac tightly knotted them into a human sized doll Syntel asked Vulcan to possess. The latter materialized his body into a solid form almost similar to his possession of Zira, but around Lilac's height. Both the demons wondered where he got the idea.

"You all can alter your bodies while retaining your core form, so if you can wear humans like jackets, why not different objects?"

"Interesting analysis," quickly gathering branches to make swords, and adjusting the obstacle courses into a style more fitting, and altered their training programs. Syntel's would push his reflexes to push his instincts and improvisation, while Lilac would make small versions of Sol's solar manipulation.

"That makes me the brains, and you the brawn, huh Lil."

"I wouldn't call myself the physical type," tiddling her petal quills.

"Nonsense, she is the sun, you are the planet that orbits her strength! You're up first."

Syntel spent the next hours getting pelted with dirt, demands to react to Vulcan's attacks, and avoid obstacles while blindfolded. His body was smoking by the end of it.

"This is not gonna be a fun week."

On Wednesday, Zira and Crystal were riding on the jitney for supplies.

"I didn't expect LNC and Alpha Theta to sign up for volunteering at the boarding school."

"Great, how's the set up for the performance?"

"Well I had to convince the staff to trust me, and that hasn't been fun, but I got back up. It'll work out."


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