Chapter 12: Synchronized Winning

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Young Syntel limped through swollen hands and feet into the messy apartment, with his eyes half closed and a desire to rest. His father was laughing and cheering at the wrestling on TV, until noticing him.

"Oh you finally came back. What took you so long?"

"I texted you," annoyed. "You never checked?"

"Whatever," briefly taking another look. "You got your ass whooped again, huh softie," cackling.

"And the worst dad award goes to," he almost said but knew his father's ways.

"Sit down and watch. Much better than all those dumb cartoons you love to watch."

"It's just people tackling each other without a ball. I deal with that everyday. At least the anime and cartoons I watch have people using their fists to help others. You know, like heroes and role models?"

"It's all kiddie nonsense. You should've grown out of it by now."

"Better kiddie nonsense," hand quoting, "then people actually getting more concussions that'll make the NFL blush."

"Bull, they're just weak. It'll teach you how to handle yourself instead of crying for help."

"It's my fault I'm getting beaten up?"

"It's your fault for letting them. These guys know what they're getting into and put on a good show. Beating you down is their entertainment. So find your own joy instead."


"Figure it out. I'm not gonna babysit you your whole life."

"Dad, I'm eleven," he groaned. 

"Fine, you better start putting that martial arts class to good use. Next time the school calls me, I want to hear you kick their asses for a change."

"Won't you be happy with my grades instead?"

"Happiness only comes when you make something of yourself. Wealth and power is all you need."

He grew curious. "Would mom say the same thing?"

"Shut up, eat and stay, or go to the guest room. I got a hot one coming tonight."


The screen closed and Syntel groaned. "God I wanted to punch him in the face that night."

"So what's wrong?"

He shook his head.

"You saved my life from other demons, even while I was unconscious," patting her head. "I want to return the favor."

"Syn-bro," lifting his head up. "I couldn't have done either one of those without you. We won't beat Algor fighting alone," extending her hand. "Can I help?"

Syntel thought back to the class, now questioning why he was pushing against the support system he always wanted. 

He took her hand and smiled. "Sure, Sorry Lil. So, got a plan?"

"Well I have a concept, you have a concept."

"So let's put them together, and make the right execution," whispering to her some ideas to add on. "Like it?"

"Hmm. Well I trained for it. Let's go for it."

The two put their synchronization into full swing as Sol threw the electric cord in the air and palmed their fist in their hand.

"Time for a counterattack!"

As the cord fell into the pool, they sprouted vines around the support beams, climbing away from the electric bursts. Algor ejected from his spiritual elemental armor, using what little water wasn't currently electrocuted to float in the air.

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