It's breaking down small trees and moving boulders with ease as it charges at us in a fit of rage. It's another serpent from our backside. I yell out to the group.

"Get back! This one's ou-"

I don't even get to finish my sentence....

Arie lifts his bow and conjures a glowing white arrow. The moment it leaves his quiver, my eyes track the glowing energy soar through the air. Fractions of a second later, it makes contact directly in the center of the red diamond atop the new serpent's head.

My eyes widen, and I cross my arms giving the archer a slow head nod of respect as the arrow pierces through its target all the way through. A perfect circle 5cm wide is left on the snake's forehead as it falls to the ground with lifeless eyes.


I let out a chuckle... then a laugh. Then hit Arie playfully on the back as the others stare at the remains of this one-shot kill. That is the same beast that took all 4 of them an entire battle to defeat.

"Nice one. Let me in on the action next time."

He turns to me with a thin smile.

"Fine with me."

We all walk over to the fallen beast moments later and Arie collects his mana crystal.

Abby interjects.

"H-Hey! You're like- Really strong!!"

Nessa continues to stare wide-eyed at him.

Maria eyes his bow with a jealous red face.

Bruce nods.

"I agree. That was impressive."

As we turn to continue walking through the dense green forest, Arie replies.

"Appreciate it, but we'll all have to get much stronger sooner or later."

A few mouths opened attempting to reply, but there wasn't much to say it that. He's right... But it's just an odd response considering he defeated that monster with 0 difficulties. We all nod in silence.

I break up the awkwardness and point my sword in the air towards the direction we were headed.

"Let's continue."

The deeper we walk into this jungle, the denser it gets. We stay in formation, but slashing through the thick plant-life gets a bit annoying after a while.

No more than 20 minutes in, another large serpent monster appears. Using my berserker, bloodlust, wind, and fire magic, I'm able to create a pretty deadly slash. On contact, I slice its head off in one hit. With all my added buffs, I still let out a struggle-filled yell, and there was a bit of resistance while cutting through the first thick layer of scales. I basically had to use all my strength. In the end, I still managed to take it out in one shot.

[Level Up]

Arie sports a wide grin and I see a glimmer of emotion in his eyes once again, this time it looks like hope.

"Not bad, not bad...."

I give him a firm nod back before replying.


The others stare at me with a bit of awe as well. Maybe they're now realizing the true power level gap between us... even Maria. Although, she can't see the monster's 40% magic resistance buff. Taking out a monster like this relies more on brute strength than pure magic power.

I read the room and turn to the others.

"Well, looks like you four will be upfront for the rest of our trek to the boss room. A few more levels and studying their movements will do the trick, you'll be ready for the boss in no time."

Dungeon Diver: Stealing a Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now