Chapter Twelve

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Blazer is the prince whom does not ever crack a smile. No villager would believe their eyes to see that Blazer is full blown smiling away as he strokes a blond strand of his beautiful beloved as she sleeps comfortably.

I really need to have her settled into our private sleeping chambers. Blazer thinks as he gushes over her.

Listening to her slow heartbeat is music to his ears. Serena is a carefully constructed woman suited perfectly for him from head to toe. Although he finds her quite stubborn, he knows that she will be the best ruler the kingdom will ever see with her amazing qualities.

He is especially excited to wed her, mark her, change her and most importantly raise children with her. Will his daughter have his eyes? Will his son have her eyes?

Blazer inhales deeply to absorb Serena's scent. I'm a fool for waiting to mark her. Blazer thinks bitterly.

Serena leaves a hole in Blazer's stomach with every day that passes by. He needs to heighten security measures to ensure her protection as an unmarked human. The guilt he feels when his leaves her alone is barely tolerable. The bond is growing stronger by the minute as well as his personal desires.

Serena will need breakfast when she wakes. I'm not sure what to cook her. Blazer remembers that Serena needs to eat. He didn't leave her side at all through the night. As soon as the sun rises, Serena will awake with a large appetite.

"I'll be back." Blazer mumbles planting a loving kiss on her forehead. Blazer uses his abilities to find himself in the kitchen.

A chef bows, "Good morning, your majesty." Blazer nods. "I need you to cook a delicate breakfast for your princess. Something delicious for my human." Blazer demands.

The male chefs nods with a smile, "How does eggs, bacon and fruit sound, sir?"

"I suppose that will satisfy." Blazer responds. "I will get on it right away." The chef says bowing once again.

"I'll be back." Blazer says leaving the chef to cook. Blazer then appears at Jacob's door.

He still has yet to punish Jacob for taking Serena away to the human world.

Blazer knocks hard on Jacob's door. The door opens to a drained looking Jacob and a rosy faced Dixie in bed.

"Ugh, Blazer. What could you possibly want?" Blazer rolls his eyes at Jacob whom is barely dressed.

"Fix yourself and meet me in my office. I don't want to give Dixie a show." Blazer spits out. Jacob nods, "Whatever it is, better be worth it. I'm just trying to get laid on this lovely morning."

"Uh- what did you say?!" Dixie squeaks. Jacob laughs. "Alright, cuz. I'll see you shortly."

Blazer's face remains motionless and Blazer disappears to his office.

Jacob closes the door and zips to Dixie, pulling off the covers to examine her sexy, curvy body.

"Fuck, Dixie. When I get back, I'll be rocking your boat." Jacob says with eyes full of lust.

Dixie blushes, "Bring it on." Jacob quickly climbs Dixie and kisses her passionately.

"I will see you momentarily. Hopefully, Blazer won't rip my balls off." Dixie smirks, "See you soon."

With that, Jacob leaves a very naked Dixie laying in bed as he zooms to Blazer's office.

What does this maggot want? Jacob thinks very confused. Blazer seemed angry but he conceals his emotions so easily it's hard to read him.

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