Chapter Eleven

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Blazer's eyes were seeing red through his gold eyes. He thought he was going to have a relaxing afternoon and steal some kisses from his beloved. But no, some undesirable worthless human male decides to take his innocent beloved and kiss her!

Blazer is already planning his execution. As if he will let him be!

"Blazer...Please." Serena whimpers staring into his red eyes. Blazer takes in a deep breath. "He is dead."

Serena frowns, "No, please don't. I told him to never do it again." With that comment, it earns her a cold, humorously chuckle.

"Ah, humans. They are indeed the stupidest race alive." Blazer says Serena grows angry, Who is he calling stupid?

"I am not! Just please. I knew I had to tell you because you'd be mad finding out from someone else." Blazer glares, "I can never be mad at you. Even if you burned a whole village because you didn't get a cup of coffee. I am not mad at you, darling. I am mad at the disrespect and disloyalty coming from a frail, pitiful excuse for a human. My parents should of ended his life when he came to this world."

Serena's jaw drops in shock at his words. "I am filled with gratitude that you made a thoughtful decision to inform me about this incident. Rest assured, the incident will be dealt with. How are you feeling?" Serena narrows her eyes as the red leaves his golden eyes and he offers a face of sincerity.

"Don't kill him. If you kill him, I will not hesitate to never give you a chance to love you ever." Blazer looks at her in amusement, "We shall see... We shall see..." Blazer mumbles.

"Promise me." Serena pleads. She is now begging on her knees. "Promise me you won't touch him. Put him in prison for all I care. Just don't kill him. Give me a fair trial or something to pay for his crimes... Just don't end his life over a simple kiss." She stands up shakily awaiting for his response.

Blazer was somewhat swayed to change his mind, but once she said those last few words, they triggered yet another reaction out of him.

"It wasn't just 'a simple kiss' it was a kiss that should not be given to you! A future queen! I have so much shit to deal with now, and I did not appreciate you going to him out of boredom!" Tears swell up in Serena's eyes.

"I didn't. He forced me." Serena says lowly looking at her feet.

"Fine. Prison." Blazer growls, caving into the sight of seeing his beloved crying. Serena sighs and gives him a small smile.

"Can I repay you with a date? I know this was a tough conversation for the both of us. But I feel horrible and didn't want you to think I betrayed you." Serena says quietly.

Anger resides from Blazer and he takes a deep breath. "Alright." He huffs. "Tonight. 10pm." Serena nods.

This was the most tough conversation Serena have ever encountered. All of this for a man who really likes her? She does like Jasper in the back of her mind, but reality is starting to seep in that she belongs to Blazer and vice versa.

The idea of another woman kissing Blazer was beginning to itch her mind at that thought.
She doesn't want to admit to it, but it's true.

She is bound to Blazer forever whatever she likes it or not.

Fuck. I'm glad I convinced him to date night.

Blazer plants a loving kiss on Serena's forehead. "I will see you tonight."

"Where are you goin-" In a swift, he was gone. Serena frowns. Great.

Blazer disappeared, smelling for the stingy human.

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