Chapter Five

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Disappointment drawn upon Serena as the words rush to her mind.

Dixie no longer works at Millys, instead she is a doctor. She landed her dream job!

A pang of guilt washes over Serena like a rough storm. She is so happy and proud of Dixie for finally living her dream, however, it was the fact that Serena missed an important milestone in Dixie's life that was making her feel so left out.

Three months is equivalent to 2-3 days in the vampire dimension. Jacob's words echo through Serena's mind.

Serena sits quietly at the table with Jacob speechless. "Someone is wearing a frown and looks disappointed. Why?" Jacob asks curiously. He knew bringing Serena to the human world was a bad idea but he did warn her. He does like to ruffle people's feathers, but he didn't like the look on her face. Besides, he wanted to get to know the future vampire queen without his idiot cousin up his ass.

"Well for starters, I just found out that my friend Dixie no longer works here." Serena huffs with a frown.

Jacob nods, "I told you not to be disappointed when things don't go your way. Both dimensions work very differently. " Serena narrows her eyes at him.

"Yeah, I missed a huge milestone for her. I have the right to be disappointed when I have been ripped from one world to the next." Serena lets out a laugh, "And it was Dixie's great idea to trust two bone heads like you the last night I was here." Jacob arches his eyebrows in amusement, "Bone heads?"

"Do you want me to call you a vampire out loud?" Serena says challenging. "Quiet." Jacob shushes. "And let's just order food and be out of here."

A waitress appears and shes wearing a name tag that says Selena. Pang of sadness hit's Serena as she notices there is sharpie drawn over the R to make it and L. That was Serena's name tag. Ouch.

"Hello, my name is Selena. I will be taking care of you this evening. What can I get started for you?" Selena looks at Serena. "Can I please get a Shirley temple." Serena mumbles. She knows the menu like the back of her hand.

"And for you, sir?" Selena looks at Jacob. "Water is fine."

"Actually, can we order now?" Serena asks in a rush. Selena looks taken aback, "Of course."

"Can I get chicken and waffles?" Jacob made a weird face. This human orders chicken and waffles... for dinner? I will never understand humans.

"You got it. And for you sir?" Jacob gives her a smile, as Serena is getting the ick.

"A rare burger please. No toppings." Jacob licks his lips. Serena scrunches her nose is disgust. Nasty.

"Great, it will be out soon." With that, Selena takes the order and walks it to the counter.

"You are gross." Serena spits out sourly. Jacob laughs, "My appetite is different." Serena shrugs.

"Says the human who orders a shirley temple and chicken on waffles. That is an odd combination!" Jacob exclaims.

Serena sighs, "Thanks for taking me here. I needed a sense of normalcy before returning to your world." Jacob gives Serena a wicked smile. "When I heard Blazer found you, I just had to meet you!"

"What is so interesting of a basic human being like myself?" Jacob chuckles, "You'd be surprised at your value little one." Serena arches her eyebrow.

"Everyone is after you for a drink... To say the least. And right now we are fine because you're with me."

"That's comforting." Serena states sarcastically.

Jacob gives Serena a cheekily smile, "I'm quite the charmer, I'd have you know." Serena rolls her eyes. "Mm, ok."

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