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The sound of chirping made me shift, though it wasn't birds.. It was Alpine.

My eyes opened to see the soft white cat, she was facing the window making little chirping noises as the birds sat by the window. I smiled and moved closer to her and pulled her into my arms, the loud purring warmed my heart.

Though, why was Alpine in Clint's apartment?

Looking around I noticed I was in my room, just laying on top of my bed in my clothes from last night. My head was a little sore, probably from being sick, but I don't even remember coming back to my apartment.

"Hello, Alex are you home?!" I heard Michael call out from the lounge.

I sighed deeply and got out of bed, Alpine was now resting in my arms like the little baby she was. Once I got to my lounge I noticed Michael sat by the entry way, his eyes caught me and he smiled.

"Hey, sorry I only just woke up. How you feeling?" I asked as I moved closer.

"A hell of a lot better, thanks to Dr. Banner. It looks like he's found something to relieve the side effects of the serum for now till he can find an antidote, so I'm at least able to relax."

"That's a start at least, how was Gina doing?" I asked.

"Not as good, in a lot of pain still since she had the full dose. But Dr. Banner has her stable, though he did have to put her in an induced coma which made us all a bit worried. He says it's safe, but you know me." He said with a weak smile.

"Bruce knows what he's doing, don't worry about that. With Tony at his side too, he's got all the connections, time and money in the world to help you guys." I smiled as Alpine jumped from my arms.

"Sorry I haven't come by, though I wanted to thank you for helping us. I know that the last few months you've had your own stuff going on, so I wanted to just leave you alone still the waters cleared, you know?"

"Thanks, I appreciate that. Just been pretty crazy around here, I've been liking just getting out of the tower and taking the time for myself for once." I said, letting out an airy chuckle.

"You deserve it, the Ghosts were treated like animals. I'm glad to hear that you're not running with that lot anymore, I know how hard it is to leave too once they get their claws in." He sighed deeply.

"It could be worse I guess.. At least they haven't tried storming Stark's place."

We stood there in silence for a moment, it was an understanding silence though. I hadn't had a lot of people come back from S.W.O.R.D. that weren't corrupt or dead, to have someone who knew what it was like on the inside and wanted to change it.. That was something I didn't realise I needed.

"Camillo sends his love by the way, I got a call from him the other day. When we left, Lance had to contact his sister to move since we feared that the Ghosts would come for her, in the process she dropped by Camillo's and gave him my number in case he needed any help." He smiled, finally breaking the silence.

"Oh god, has Lance's sister found a new place yet? That reminds me, I need to try and see if Clint has any update on that gang."

"She's actually moving back to California, her folks back home have offered for her to stay for the time being till she can find a good house." 

"That's good, tell her that if she needs any money-"

"Alex, stop right there." He laughed.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You've done nothing but stick your neck out for us, lend us your aid when you can, even when you had nothing. You've done more than enough, please just take a break." He smiled brightly.

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