Authors Note

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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your ongoing support of this story, I haven't really done many authors notes as not to break the tale up.

Though I have a little announcement, I haven't been as active with updating any of my stories as I have been working a lot more. But, I have also opened an Etsy shop!

My shop is dedicated to Comfort Character Letters, right now I only have two characters on there but I am planning on adding more. As of right now, Bucky and Steve are the ones in my shop and Peter will be added in the next few days.

I wanted to let everyone know in hopes that the shop will grow, even if you're not interested in buying a letter, please go and like the shop, the Instagram account attached to it and share it with friends that might be interested.

I am also taking on any suggestions of characters, mainly Marvel characters right this moment but I hope to branch out to other fandoms in the future.

Thank you all again for taking the time to read this, I really do appreciate it! I hope to have an update to the story as soon as possible. Below will be the links to the Etsy store and any further details.


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