Chapter Fifteen: Slipping Up

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The ride back to Blake's house was awkward, and uncomfortable. No one said a word, not even Eric, who always speaks so much it makes me wish I was deaf. We all silently got out of the car once we reached his house, and Blake slung his arm around my shoulder to help me walk to his porch without limping.

I winced with almost every step I took and sighed when I was eventually lowered onto the couch. "Thanks for helping me—back there and now too." I gave Blake a small smile.

"No problem," he muttered. "I'll.. help clean you up." My lips were parted for a moment, processing his offer. "Oh.. yeah.. thanks." I answered, awkwardly forming my lips into a thin line and slowly nodding afterwards. I watched as he made his way to the other room and sighed. I nearly forgot about Eric until he cleared his throat. He leaned on the doorframe of the living room with his arms crossed.

"You feeling okay Theo? You look pretty messed up." he asked, genuinely concerned. I nodded and chuckled weakly. "Cody asked for your number, how do you feel about that?" Through all the pain I was experiencing, I managed to put a smile on my face and try to lighten the mood.. Well, for the moment at least. Right as Eric opened his mouth to respond, the doorbell rang. Wonder who it is?

"I'll get it, I'm right here anyways." Eric said and turned to open the front door. I was expecting one of Blake's parents to be home, but speak of the devil and he shall appear; it was Cody. I rolled my eyes when his eyes went from Eric to darting around the room until he met mine for a second.

"Hey cutie," Cody smirked, looking Eric up and down seductively. "Have you considered giving me your number yet?" Eric blushed red and stuttered. "Uh.. no! And you're not going to get it, especially after what you did to Theo!" He let go of the door handle and pointed to me.

"Relax," Cody replied smugly, "I'm here to apologize anyways.. maybe that'll make you change your mind?" He put a finger under Eric's chin and raised it slightly before turning in my direction.

A creak emitted from the floorboards behind me and I whipped my head around to see Blake with a box. I assume it had first aid supplies in there. "What the hell are you doing here? Do you think you can show up to my house after what you did?" He yelled, and harshly dropped the box he was holding next to me on the couch.

Blake stormed over to him and Eric moved out of the way. Cody put two hands up in defense and took a step backwards out the door. "Hey man, I'm not trying to-" "Save it, and don't "hey man" me," Blake interrupted. He was fuming with anger and stood only inches away from Cody. "And don't come here thinking it was okay to mess with Theo."

Cody scoffed. "We're still friends aren't we? We just had a little fight, that's all." Blake's hand balled up into a tight fist; I could've sworn his knuckles were turning white. "You call all of this a 'little fight'? What is wrong with you?" He raised his voice even more. "You hurt someone, Cody, don't you get that? You'd never do this to me, so why'd you do it to Theo?" Cody narrowed his eyes. "I thought you didn't care about him? You're only fucking hanging out with him because-"

Blake's hand flew to cover Cody's mouth. "Don't talk about that. I'd rather do what I'm doing than beat up a kid at school." I was confused; what did he mean?

Blake's Perspective

He brought it up. The one thing I hoped he wouldn't almost say. I'm glad I shut him up in time, but that was a close call. Throughout all this yelling, I didn't need this on top of my current situation. "Leave. Now, Cody," Was all I managed to say. I was tired of this and I needed to focus on Theo again before things could get any worse. Cody looked me dead in the eyes. "Fuck you, Blake." He trudged off the porch and made his way off the driveway.

Eric and I made sure he was gone before I slammed the door and sighed. I glanced up at Theo on my couch with a strange expression; he looked suspicious of me. Who was I kidding? After what Cody let slip, I would have the same reaction. To distract him from any further thoughts about me, I sat myself next to him and picked up the first aid box.

"He's finally gone now.." I mumbled while scavenging through the crate for a roll of bandages. "Yeah.." Theo replied. "I'm gonna go use the bathroom, I think I see it down the hall," Eric announced and excused himself from our sight.

"Not to pry or anything, but what was the last thing Cody said about..?" I hoped he wasn't going to ask that. I tried playing the humor card. "You mean 'fuck you'?" I joked. Of course that wouldn't work, his face remained serious; I just had to keep making myself seem even more like the suspect each time, didn't I?

"No, before that when he said something about you not caring about me and only hanging out with me for a reason that he didn't end up saying.." I could see a hint of sadness in his eyes.

I instinctively grabbed both his hands gently. "Don't listen to him, I do care about you and I spend time with you 'cause I like you. Nothing less, I promise." Inside, saying those words made me feel a little empty, probably because that promise was too.

Theo's mouth formed a small smile and I returned the expression. "I trust you," he whispered. I focused my attention back to his injuries and picked up the bandages. "You have a few bruises and a scrape on your arms and face.." I said, scanning him with my eyes.

"Um.. that's not all.." he confessed hesitantly. He looked down without looking at me and slowly raised his shirt. I noticed his blush and I bit down on my tongue to suppress my own redness.. What's wrong with me.. I got over it pretty quick though after seeing the multiple bruises scattered on his torso.

Theo's perspective

Holding my shirt up to Blake was a little awkward, but I needed my waist to be wrapped up quickly—I was aching all over. "Take it off." Blake commanded. I blushed furiously. "It'd be easier for me to bandage that way." Yeah Theo, what were you thinking? I slipped out of my shirt and placed it in my lap. Blake unraveled a long strand of bandages and started wrapping his around my body.

He leaned in dangerously close and I could feel his faint breath on my chest as he concentrated. The way his hands worked around my waist, to my stomach gave me butterflies. Who knew a jock could be totally aggressive and strong on the field, at school, and with other friends, but turn into a gentle guy when helping me?

 I couldn't stop a big smile from growing on my face as he worked the white strip around me. He took care of my sprained ankle and the other injuries on my body until what was left was my black eye.

We locked eye contact and I thought it was because my bruise was getting ugly. "Is the swelling that bad..? I asked. "No, it's not that.." Blake replied. "I just don't want to cover your pretty eyes." He couldn't help but hide his smirk at his remark and I couldn't help but break eye contact, for I my blushing was worse than my injuries.

"What's the matter? Am I way too charming?" He grinned. "Shut up Blake." I groaned and slipped back into my shirt. "You're not denying it though!" I shot him a look that made him stop testing me.

"Okay, okay," he gave in, "since you're sleeping over, I guess the guest is always right." I almost forgot that I was staying at Blake's house! I shot my parents quick text to tell them that I'd be sleeping over at a friend's for the night.

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