Chapter Two: The Ballistic Encounter

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Actually,  AP English with Blake wasn't too bad. He was out after a couple of minutes into the period because the teacher deemed him as disturbing, and kicked him out. He was sent to detention for the rest of the period, so I didn't see nor talk to him too much. That's what you get for being a noisy jerk..

However, it didn't stop there. Cody Andrews, still annoying as ever, managed to substitute for Blake as my tormentor for this class since his absence, "What, Theo, cat got your tongue? Do you miss your boyfriend? Too bad he got sent to detention, yeah?" He chuckled loudly, earning laughs from his friends who were sitting with him across the room.

My grip on my pencil intensified with every word he spoke, as I tried to refrain from responding to him and earning even more fits of laughter. I knew that if I'd try to say something, I'd get quieter with each word. I couldn't raise my voice, it wasn't a part of my nature to yell, nor argue. I hated that. I wish I could talk back, but I knew I would just embarrass myself.

I kept to myself the rest of the period, and before I knew it, the bell had rung and everyone was rushing out of the door like a herd of cattle. I waited in the back of the class for the emptying of the students, before I could peacefully make my way out without getting knocked over. I soon exited and made a sharp right while clutching two of my textbooks.

Without paying attention, I immediately plunged forward, dropping my books, and was thrown into a pair of arms which held me back from falling to the ground. I opened my eyes nervously. A strong, muscular arm gripped onto my back, which ultimately saved me from my demise. The only thing that was clear in my vision was a white shirt, covered with a red varsity jacket on top. On the patch on the breast pocket of the varsity jacket, it read, "BROOKS".

My eyes widened as I stared at his name patch. Oh no! I was so screwed! Knowing him, and what he said earlier, I was most likely going to be thrown onto the nearest locker, and left there for dead.. However, what was more awkward, was the position that we were situated in.. His right hand was supporting my back from falling, and his left hand, was.. Tightly grasping at my ass?!

What in the world? I was so concentrated on the fact that it was BLAKE that I had bumped into, that I didn't even realize until now that he had one of his hands on my ass cheek..! My mind was preoccupied with lingering thoughts of my horrible fate, and how I was done for, as I stood in his arms, wide-eyed and with an open mouth. Both of my palms rested against his chest. I could feel his rock-hard abs through his tight-fitted white tee.

When I finally came to my senses, I looked up at his face anxiously, waiting for a punch, a slap, a kick, anything.. Yet, after a few seconds, nothing came. I realized that we were both staring into each other's eyes, and it went on for more than a few seconds. I was enticed by his eyes once more, those dazzling blue eyes of his, which were more bright, and life-like, than my dull green eyes will ever be.

I gazed at him, deepening my glance. I swore I felt some kind of connection between us right at that moment. It seemed as if nothing around us mattered. I heard a loud shout, coming from what I thought was one of Blake's football buddies, "Yo Blake, catch!". However, I didn't look away from his face, not even when his friends were talking, or shouting at him. It seemed like nothing else mattered.. Not even the football that was coming right at me at full-speed.

The collision was so fast, I didn't even have time to comprehend the sharp, but quick pain that met my head. I let out a small grunt, and I felt myself being loosened from Blake's grip. I'm guessing he let go of me out of surprise. I can't blame him - if there was a football coming directly at someone near me, I would back off too.

I wouldn't want to get hit. But too bad.. Because I already did. My vision blurred, and the lights on the ceiling of the hallway seemed brighter than ever. My eyelids were fluttering at a slow rate, before they closed for good. All I could see was the pitch blackness that came unbeknownst to my knowledge, and I heard the laughs of Blake's friends, and even Blake's raspy chuckle. "My bad man.." Was the last thing I heard from Cody Andrews, before I blacked out.

I groaned, laying down on a cushioned surface, to what I realized was a bed, when my eyelids began to rapidly flutter open. It took me a moment to adjust to the bright, white lights above me. I slowly and carefully tried to sit up, but my attempt at doing so caused me to feel a sharp pain on the side of my head. The ache forced me to throw myself back onto the mattress. "Seems like the nerd's finally up out of his beauty sleep." I looked over, and saw the last person that I wanted to see.

"Blake, shouldn't you be in class? What are you.. Doing here.." I said, slurring my words. He threw an ice pack at me, which I'm guessing he expected me to catch, however I'm not a footballer, so instead, it collided with my neck and bounced off to the ground. He bursted into a fit of laughter at my failed attempt to catch it, "Hey..! That wasn't my fault.. You just threw it horribly." I said, in an attempt to justify my actions.

"Nope, you're as unathletic as they comes. Maybe they should've thrown it to you where the sun doesn't shine." I audibly gasped at his inappropriate comment, and cocked my eyebrow. I took the ice pack off from the ground, and rested it against my head, as I sat on the bed in the nurse's office. My knees were up to my chest, and my right arm was hugging my legs. I let out a big sigh, and nervously looked up after playing with the laces of my shoes for a few seconds.

I gradually grew slightly annoyed as I remembered what happened before I blacked out. I didn't really want to take my anger out on Blake though, he wasn't the one who hit me with a football after all and he was admittedly being pretty friendly with me right then. I finally mustered up the courage to ask one of my most anticipated questions, "Why are you still here?" My voice, which raised an octave or two, caused Blake to laugh even more.

"You know, your voice gets all high-pitched and squeaky when you're mad. It's hard to not laugh. It's fuckin' hilarious, if I have to be honest." He chuckled attractively, and took off his varsity jacket. I had so many unanswered questions, such as how I got to the nurse's office, or why Blake was the only one with me in the room. He didn't care for me.. did he?

How was it that Blake Brooks, the guy who was gripping my jaw in frustration this morning, was suddenly chatting me up out of the blue after I had been knocked out by his best friend's football? I couldn't fathom up a reason why his personality towards me would change so quickly, but I wasn't complaining. I secretly enjoyed this playful side of Blake that I haven't been able to see since I first got here and I hoped he would stay this way from now on. But I knew that was impossible.

He lazily thrusted his varsity jacket onto a chair beside my bed and sat himself down with his legs spread apart. Blake rested his chin on the palm of his hand and gazed at me, even more focused on my facial features than he was before, prior to when I passed out. I felt my cheeks uncontrollably warm up when I flashed my eyes down to his lips and noticed a smirk start to form.

"On top of all my unanswered questions.. Why are you looking at me like that..?" I muttered just loud enough for him to hear. Did I perhaps have something on my face? That would be extremely embarrassing if I did. I immediately directed my face towards the end of the nurse's office bed to avoid any further eye contact.

"How're you feeling now," Blake broke the silence, "It looks like Cody hit you pretty hard for you to end up here." He leaned back in his seat, and his arms were crossed.

"I'm.. fine.. I just want to know why you care right now.." I kept my eyes glued to the white bedsheets in front of me. "Does someone getting hit by a football make the King of Redsen High get all soft?" I weakly chuckled and gained enough confidence to turn to Blake again to see his reaction.

Blake raised his eyebrows and let out a scoff that turned into a small grin. "Hey, I know I can be an asshole, but it'd be unethical for me to not give a fuck after you could've been seriously injured right in front of me. Mrs. Rowen came out of her class after hearing all the commotion outside in the halls and told me to take you here anyways.."

He looked towards his left, after saying the last part, which made me think he could've been lying.. Blake, Blake Brooks, would not have brought me to the nurse's office willingly.. Someone must've forced him.. Right? But that look in his eyes said otherwise. It seemed so genuine. I decided not to comment on it. We were doing good - we were talking like friends. I didn't want to mess anything up.

That interaction I had with him that day was the best thing that happened to me since I moved to Redcliff, and I actually began to feel like this change of pace was just what I needed.

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