Chapter Twelve: Hard To Get

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I don't usually do this, but I wanted to give a quick shout-out to Ruhi95 for the supportive comments and for voting for all of my chapters! It means so much to me :) So, with that, enjoy this new chapter!

Blake's Perspective

"Hey, you're back." I said, as I watched Theo sit down in his seat. "Uh.. Yeah." He responded, looking elsewhere. "Did somethin' happen?" My comment seemed to catch his attention, because he looked back at me, and scratched his neck. "No.. Just ran into your brother. That's all." Theo said quietly.

I had run out of things to say, and I was done with my food. It was only seven, and our little 'dinner date' had gotten nowhere. We ate without saying so much as a word to each other. "That's it. Come on, let's go." I stood up abruptly from the dining table and motioned for him to follow me. "Where are you taking me? I thought I could go home after eating with you?" He replied, voice full of panic and confusion.

Nonetheless he followed me up the stairs, and to the room at the end of the hallway - my room. "Blake, no way am I gonna go in.. there." Theo scrunched up his face and pointed to my room. "And why not?" I grimaced, growing annoyed. Why was he playing so hard to get all of a sudden?! I thought I had made progress.

"Because.. I'm not interested in having.. you know.. With you.." He muttered, quietly and awkwardly, leaning against the wall and looking down. Did he think I was gonna coerce him into sleeping with me? Never in my dreams would I bang a guy - certainly not him for that matter. I'm not gay.

I chuckled at his comment, leaving him cocking his head to the side in confusion, "Did you really think I wanted to have sex with you? Dude, we've known each other for less than a month." I felt ironic for saying that - I've had too many one-night stands to even count - all with girls, of course. Hot, blonde, big-breasted girls. Not scrawny brunette boys.

Theo shot his hand up to his mouth in shock, "Oh - wait - you didn't have an ulterior motive?" I shook my head, and grinned at him, containing my laughter. "Oh - shoot. Blake, I'm so sorry. I probably made you uncomfortable." His face once again flushed a shade of red, and he looked down to conceal his flaming red cheeks. I laughed a little at his nervousness, and said, "No worries. Now, are you gonna just stand there, or are you gonna come in?"

I opened the door even wider, and waited for him to come in before closing it. We walked over to my bed, and he sat on it uncomfortably, sitting on the edge with his ass practically about to slide off of it. "You good? You know, I don't have germs on my bed. You can lay on it." I laughed, reaching out for my remote.

"Knowing you, who knows how many things you have on it." He snickered, but still compiled by putting his entire body on my bed, with his back leaning against my head-board. "Well, right now I have you on it, and that's the only thing I want in my bed tonight." I winked. I watched as his mouth went agape and he scrunched his face up in disgust, "You're so weird."

I chuckled slightly at his remark, and turned on my television. I threw the remote at him, and he surprisingly caught it this time, "You pick what you want to watch. You're my guest after all." I smiled. He scrolled through the channels mindlessly, with his knees up to his chest. "Um.. how about Friends?" Theo asked quietly.

Boring - but whatever. "Sounds good." I said, feigning a smile. He turned it on, and put the remote between us. We both had our backs against the headboard, but my legs were outstretched to their full extent, while he had his knees up to his chest, hugging them uncomfortably. We were silent for the first couple of minutes, and it was awkward to say the least.

From time to time, I glanced at him curiously, but he seemed to pay me no attention at all. His eyes were completely fixated on the show, without even paying me a glance. When he stopped hugging his knees, he rested his palms on my bed sheets, gently gripping them. This was my chance - I knew he wouldn't be able to resist this.

Without a second thought, I slowly slid my hand to his. At first, our pinky fingers lightly grazed each other, and I thought that small action would have been enough to drive him crazy, but he seemed too immersed in the show to care. I scoffed quietly. Growing impatient, I took a big risk, and just gently laid my hand on his.

It seemed as if Theo froze up. He didn't blink, and didn't move. I could've sworn I saw the slightest bit of red flush onto his face, but before it could get any redder, he ripped free from my grip, and then crossed his arms together on his chest. What the fuck? Did he actually just do that? And all without a word too? I knew he was playing hard to get, but I didn't know that he could now resist the temptation of my physical touch.

I wasn't gonna let him have the last laugh - I shuffled closer to him, but not too much, so our thighs still weren't touching. I needed to be slick, and to do it in a way where he can't find an escape. I smirked at my foolproof plan.

I yawned audibly, and raised my hands up in the air as if I were merely trying to stretch my arms. But, instead of putting my arms back down when I was done 'stretching', I rested my left arm sneakily on to Theo's shoulders. "Um.. What do you think you're doing..?" He slowly turned his head in my direction, raising one eyebrow.

"Huh? Oh. Do what?" I smirked, pretending to not know the effect that my actions had on him. "Your arm.. It's.." He pointed to his shoulders. "Oh. My bad. Must've been an accident. You don't mind though, right?" I said yawning, pretending to be unbothered and nonchalant, as I continued to glue my eyes to my television screen.

"I mean.." He cleared his throat, and I glanced over to him. His face was dusted in a light shade of red, and he looked like he was trying to look anywhere but at me. "Cool." I said, hoping to shut him up before he could object. I lightly caressed his shoulder with my fingers, hoping to drive him insane.

The poor kid was slightly trembling, biting his lips in nervousness. So much for trying to resist me huh, Theo? I smirked devilishly, taking in my victory, before I decided to take it up a notch. My hand slid from his shoulder, to his waist. This sparked an even more extreme reaction from him.

I dragged my hand along his waist, feeling up every inch of his curves and his figure. God, he felt nice. Theo tried desperately ripping my hand away from his waist, but his face seemed to say otherwise. He looked all hot and heavy, just from me stroking the side of his body. I wondered what putting my hand closer to his thigh would do..

My grip on his waist was too strong, and he eventually gave up silently. I smiled to myself at his silent defeat. We have gone through several episodes, and my analog clock on my nightstand read out that it was now 9:30 P.M. However, I didn't tell that to Theo, because I knew that if he saw the time, he would freak out and go home.

I'm not doing this because I want to still be near him or anything.. Definitely not because I want to be near the twink.. So then, why did it sound like I was trying to reassure myself in my mind if I was positive? Whatever. My eyes were still glued to the television, and my hand was still tightly gripping at Theo's waist, which is why it caught me by surprise when I heard soft snores coming from beside me.

I glanced over at Theo confused. That's when I realized that he had fallen asleep, with his head hanging. I knew that his neck would hurt if he slept like that, and I didn't want to wake him up because he looked so.. Cute- calm. Not cute, calm. And what kind of person would I be to not let someone sleep after a long day? And sure, we had school tomorrow, but I could always just drive the two of us there in the morning.

I gently reached out for his chin, and adjusted his head so that his head was leaning against my shoulder as he slept instead of hanging. His mouth was slightly open, emitting quiet snores here and there. For some reason, I didn't feel any disgust, or hate for the boy at that moment. I couldn't name the feeling, but it was something else. I inched my face closer to the top of his head, and softly kissed his brunette hair. It was soft, and it still smelled like strawberries. I hoped that my action had gone unnoticed, because I wouldn't be able to think of an explanation in the morning if he had found out.

Soon, I felt myself growing tired, and my eyelids fluttering more progressively in my vision. So, there I was, Blake Brooks, the king of Redsen High, with my hand on a nerd's waist, and with his head resting on my shoulder. 

Fuck, this was not going how I planned. 

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