Come Back.

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" I'm sorry, for leaving, Ly..." she was inches away from me now, running her hands through my curls and resting her lips against my ear.
Looking at me, and confirming I was real, tanned and bigger than before.
" Ly... I'm sorry" her face flooded with tears, as I held her waist now, pressed against her as she continued to stroke my face.
" I know... I'm sorry baby, I am -"
" Why?"
" I can explain, soon...Ly-" before I could finish my sentence the West Indian in her jumped me as she warned what was to come. Pushing back from me as I held her hands up and out of my face.
" explain soon!? What the fuck you think this is!? Explain this bloodclaat shit now!!! Aubrey!?"
" shhh, Ly... please baby" I was pulling her to me by her wrists, but she broke free with a box to my unexpected face. Pushing me as I clutched at her, slapping me again as I grabbed her.

" NO!" She broke free, and slapped me so hard I could feel my face burning, she was sorry and scared I was going to hit her which made the guilt worse. She was traumatised, I saw it and it it seemed it too. I left my heart to be broken by the evils I wanted to avoid.
"Ah... fuck Ly!... please, please... just, listen to me"
" no! You fucking lied to me and- does mom.... Does Sandi know!?"
" no... no one knows so we need to be quiet "
" No way Aubrey! You are crazy! This is crazy!!"
" I know I'm Sorry"
"You are such a fucking liar!! Oh my God I hate the fact I love you!" She was serious, eyes closed as she had her arms rested above her head. Her face soaked in tears and she was ranting about how much she loathed me, and everything I fake stood for.

" please babe, I came home, to fix it"
" fix it!? Huh!? Fix what Aubrey!? Your mum almost had a damn stroke when they told us... you died!!!!your kids!? They cry so much, they will remembers this and for what!!? Your mind games?!! What was the point... huh!? Adam was caught, too... so... it would have been fine"
" I thought I was-"
" I hate you so fucking much! Get the fuck out!!"
" Lylee- listen"
"You left me, you left us!! So I'm leaving you... fuck you! Fuck you!!!" Her voice lowered but louder than before somehow.
" Summer!? Remember your baby? She... she missed" she was struggling to speak through the tears but went on;
"- do you even!? you...and I thought she was being weird... when it was you! Creeping around... you was here!?"
"I would have told you then but,you was away-"
" oh! "I was away".... so you was dead!? That makes sense"
" baby, please... trust me I love you and I know!!! I fucking know it's crazy!! You think I wanted this!?"
" no... but ,"
" but nothing Ly... I am sorry!! I'm sorry! Okay, I'm so sorry, the sorriest excuse for a husband but I can fix it... you don't know how much I wish I never left, I've seen- I've thought about things that happened when I was away-"
" thought about things? You mean Chubbs told you..."
" I'm aware of things Ly... like I said we gotta talk and I know you," she was angry now I was cutting her off.
" look, you sleep in here I'll sleep in summers bed"
" no, I can't leave this room, and you can't plus we need to talk right?"
" look... I'm tired, it's 3 in the morning and then baby just went to sleep... we can talk in the morning-"
" so, Adam... he slept in this bed?" I knew she replaced the bed a few weeks ago, but wanted to bring it up as petty as it was.
" Adam was a mistake, but... no"
" No-"
" no, we didn't, I know you fucked someone it's been over a year!"
" but you did, after you said...we'll talk about that, Lylee-" she nodded, and told me to take a shower as she got back into the bed.

15 minutes into my shower, she was in the bathroom with me, as she tied up her hair.
" it's like you was watching us..."
" it's like it... I had people watching the house"
" you had guns and money in the house too, Aubrey!"
" Ly.. look-" I got out of the shower, naked with the towel around my neck as she looked at me.
" " what"
" I'm sorry, okay, I have a lot of explaining to do to a lot of people, in the morning we can fight all day"
" it's not a fight!?" Why the fuck was I depressed missing you when you've been alive the whole time!"
" the case,"
" all the charges are dropped now, Adam is going to jail"
" because," I leaned over to her and whispered.
" we made sure they found him guilty..."
" what!?"
" shhh... yeah... exactly... it's bigger than me, I promise you, I would die before I leave my family"
" so, the charges, the gang, murder and racketeering"
" what about them?" She knew, and nodded at me as she got back into the bed.
" you was involved or!?"
" look, I was enough for me to have to disappear"
" oh... so you're a killer too Aubrey?" She was whispering and sad at what I had become.
" I've never killed anyone Lylee, ever... come here, please, baby-" she refused. Standing further back in fact.
" what is going on Aub!?"
" we'll talk, I promise..." I went to her instead"
I gotta make a call," I kissed her and watched as she got into the bed.
" you can't, just...take the call here?"
" I am, I just miss my wife" I smiled and she smiled back, thinking about how excited Summer would be to have her daddy back, to see how I was with Sienna and our new baby.
" yo- what's good -" I was on FaceTime with J Prince.
" youngin! You gone already!"
" yeah, we did it - lawyer got the team ready for press tomorrow... but today it's wifey-" I showed Lylee, now smiling and politely waving at the phone.
" beautiful as ever Lylee, good evening to you" he was old fashioned, but worked with the modern times to help me move mountains.
" look J, come by the house this week... we'll talk"
" bet, I'll holla at you-"

I wasn't expecting anything, in fact I thought she would completely cold to me. First she was just looking at me, but then she smiled when I looked up and back at her which was a surprise too.
" you got press planned?"
" yeah, why? wassup!?"
" you tell me, Aubrey"
" look, I know I owe you an explanation, for a lifetime and, I know, I love you forever, in every life I'll ever live, I know that... I did that" I knew it was probably going to be the last time, and acted like it.
" you could have just told me baby..." she started crying again as I held her and kissed her. My touch triggering her calm, arms holding her back and fingertips brushing her hair as she kissed me too.
" ugh, I love you so much... I, I can't believe it"
" shhhh, come here"

I had her on top of me now, still dressed but ready for whatever I wanted to do. Kissing me as I kissed her. Laying on me now as we embraced the moment.
" I missed you so much Ly-" my body felt renewed, tension lifting with every time her lips touched mine. Kissing me again as she asked
" How much?"
" huh?"
" how much have you missed me, Aubrey!"
She was enthusiastic, full of energy out of nowhere and so I matched her pace. The time apart wasn't noticeable once we truly got into it, her thoughts were in sync with mine, her full ass filling up my hands despite being so petite.
" wait, this is uncomfortable-" she was sure to adjust as she took her hair down, then lifted off her shirt. Her wild curls loose and long to her waistline, perfect titties sitting free, as she rode against me slowly and smirked.
" you know what we're going to end up doing Ly"
" so let's, just do it, you gonna keep your wife waiting Aubrey?"
" no! Never..." I kissed her slowly as I started taking off her pants, and panties. Still kissing as she sat across my lap and I got her warmed up with one hand and held her upright with the other. She was moaning, as I sucked her chest, licking the areolas slowly, back into the middle of her chest, to her stomach, belly button and asked her to lay down.
" like this-"
"nah... like this" I stopped her and spun her over onto her knees, gently, as she was ready for whatever too.
" arch it for me baby-" she did as instructed, her spine alike a feline as I opened her legs a little more and just let it sit against her, as I kissed her. Already ready to explode and trying to slow things down, I knew I was going to cum quick and wanted her to too.
" how are we gonna fix this, Aubrey?"
" uh uh... shhh..." I kissed her neck and held her throat with my hand. My chest against her back as I went on
" you,... you let me handle it, you just handle this-" I slid inside of her, inch by inch, as she moaned and smiled. Smacking her shit as I slid deeper into a feeling I missed every night since I stopped sleeping beside her. Her hair, skin, and the sheets all smelling like me as she did, taking dick like she knew it was on its way home.

Biting her lip before I kissed her and put her on top of me.
" mmm shit, I think ima squirt we gotta get off the bed"
" fuck this bed, we'll buy a new one" I slowed down, kissed her as I pulled out for a second and then went back in, slowly, first with a twist followed by three deep strokes as she did just that. Exploding over me and the bed before I came.
" Fuck!!! ugh-" she was weak, shaking from coming so hard as we kissed, fingers interlocked alike our fingers, not stopping for breath, or to pull out, before we went at it again and again. We went, went for hours, and that was for the first time since we had kids. I was reminded of that when A.J crying woke me up. I got him, as she slept and could hear the girls so decided it was time to set things straight.
" Aubrey, you can't just come back if you're more going to stay-" I wanted to say I was going to, I wanted to be able to.

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