Knock Off.

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"so I guess we'll begin by explaining who you are-"
" okay, my name is Keisha Thomas, I'm 25, a mother of two, former best friend of Lylee Santiago, ex of Chubbs from OVO, and yeah... here to tell my side of the stories!"
" so to be clear, you admit you and Chubbs were an item?"
" yeah, yes... for about two years we were sleeping together"
" was Lylee and Drake present?"
" no! Nah... it was a secret for a while"
" wait let's start at the beginning, tell us about your friendship with Lylee"
" we met at primary school, so we were 5,6... and became best friends, our parents were friends too... so we grew up together,..."
" was she always outgoing or was you the confident one?"
" we were...both, just normal little girls, until we met our " first loves" then, she was mad shy and reserved, she was different... and then with me having my son made me bolder, I was confident about my new body, the independence of living with my man at the time"

The interviewer steered through everything from boys to Jordan, as Keisha shared the intimate and personal details of her former friends beatings, the cheating and abuse, like it was absolutely nothing.
" so you don't feel bad for her looking back,"
" I do, but she's not my friend anymore so-"
" so you don't now-"
" no"
" okay, and what about Jaxon?"
She explained they first slept together when she was 12, and he was staying over for the weekend. Once they started it didn't stop, up until he was arrested.
" so knowing he raped your friend, you... slept with him"
" I'm... not proud of it, but yeah... I knew he wouldn't hurt me"
" despite knowing he hurt Lyleeana"
" yeah..."
" so why did you testify against him at court and keep it a secret-"
" I had to, for her case, it was the right thing to do since I knew I fucked up the friendship, she didn't know how bad I had yet but, I guess I felt I had to protect her from me too" I was watching in disgust, to actually do thing she did made her a complete narcissist. She was never my wife's friend, just an opportunist and a nymphomaniac. Attaching herself to my wife's energy and siphoning it to herself.

She went on to talk about the paternity of her child, and cheating on Chubbs with Kyle.
" well he wasn't with Lylee when I got pregnant"
" but you slept with him when she was"
" Umm, once or twice, when she was sleeping with Aubrey" she was so cold, and exposed every detail she could.
" Lylee is not the nice little girl everyone thinks she is, when she wants a man, she's gonna have him... so, they kissed at his birthday and were flirting and fucking from her mixtape came out."
" so she cheated too-"
" yeah, she already spoke on it, on Lip Service, she knows"
" do you think you two could make up"
" never-"
" ever!? Not even to just lay things to rest"
" she beat my ass the last time I thought we could, so... it's a no"
" are you pressing charges"
" nah... she got me! That's me laying it to rest, well... this interview is. I've told the truth about it all, and yeah, I'm a terrible person or whatever people say but, she was never in love with the niggas when I fucked them!"
" so that makes it okay" she nodded, obvious to morale.
" yeah! She's had Drake! Why she worried about her ex's anyway!" She was jealous to her core, comparative and not hiding her real colours anymore.
" you and Drake didn't get along, right"
" at firsts we were cool,... then it's like he hated me, but I get it... I don't want to speak on her husband too much, okay?"
" why?"
"because! I don't... I know it's something she's struggling with, I would be... it's really sad and, I wished them the best with their marriage, truly... I was shocked when I saw the news, of course... but, it's a choice we as women make when we pick men from "the lifestyle"... i guess, he was a playboy... and I did it too... so I'm not judging...and one of my kids dads is in jail, my ex is a killer... other ex just beat a's crazy" It was true, we were lucky to be littered with connects to the streets and cash to federal friendships. Yes, it was crazy, and it was true that I hated and still do honestly. I hate her, and wanted to make sure I kept my wife away from her forever.

My  wife's family was a huge support to our relationship, even when I was gone and so that's how I figured I would work my way back to home. I tried to think of how everyone would respond to my choices and the consequences were light compared to what I feared. They were both receptive to the idea, and so was J Prince who kept calling to confirm I was sure about it all. They were on the way to Jamaica, as I had Chubbs have Andre and Knight meet with him to discuss some things I had asked him to. The house was the families owned, where I was once fleeing from my girlfriend at the time. Waking up to everyone else finding out I had a son before she did, the day that made me realise she wasn't just going to let me hurt her. She showed me, she would hurt me too, even hurt herself trying to come to terms with the things I had done. All the truths I denied, all of the times I made her feel like people were lying and spreading rumours when it was real. I was a liar, I fucked around with Sophie a few times that week and I had no right to deny the kid so asked her to abort instead.

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