Chapter 28. End of year banquet

Start from the beginning

After waiting in the buffet line and grabbing trays full of food, Ken and the girls happily went to the second floor and enjoyed their food while watching the crowds gathering on the base floor eager to get noticed by those in the elite group while facing the reality that they most likely are just waiting in vain.

Unlike half a year ago where no one would think about approaching Ken, through the courses of the evening, many first-year commoners swung by to chat and sat around with Ken and the girls, and it was the most fun filled and interactive night Ken had ever experienced.

As Ken and the girls enjoyed their chats with the other first years, Clare and Alice showed up together with treys full of food that wasn't offered at the regular buffet and Ken was not hesitant to share the exotic foods with those others that stared in amazement at the expensive ingredients.

"Ken, you need to let your hair grow longer and have it cover your whole face and never dress up ever again!" Alice complained.

"Geez, why are you so mean to me Alice? I know I'm no noble or anything but don't have to be so rude when all I am trying to do is to fit in."

"That's the whole point Ken! You need to stop trying to fit in." Clare added.

"Since when did the two of you get all buddy buddy? I did nothing to deserve this type of harassment for simply dressing up for the banquet!" Ken complained.

Turns out, since Alice told her dad that Clare is a friend, her father Drake and his brother, king Draven got Alice to introduce the Yelwraek during the banquet and the Vespera seemed to have hit it off rather well with the Yelwraek royal family. Clare and Alice were able to take advantage of the situation and sneak off to come and see Ken.

"If you are really going to pretend that you don't understand and play dumb with me then I will give it to you straight. STOP looking so damn handsome! You will end up attracting all the girls! Leave some of the girls for those other guys!" Alice moaned.

"NEVER! I am taking all the girls for myself!" Ken retorted while laughing at the silliness at Alice's comment.

After a few more minutes of chatting, Clare and Alice bid their farewell and left the group to be back with the elite party, so their family don't get suspicious of their disappearance. As Ken watched the pair disappear from view and reappear downstairs into the crowd, he noticed Ryder walking out of the dining hall into the garden.

Seeing his childhood hero stepping out from the elite group, Ken impulsively got up and decided to go and try his luck and see if he could run into his hero for a quick chat. With a large group of first year gathered around and having a great time chatting, when Ken made some excuse to step away, Genesis, Lovetta and Emma had to just watch him go and couldn't follow along due to the gathered crowd.

Stepping into the garden during the mid-December night, Ken realized that if he was already home, it would have been so cold that none of the girls would have been able to wear such thin dresses. But here on the tropical island, even during the middle of December, the weather was mild and not cold at all so even for those dressed thinly, they won't have to worry about getting sick from the weather.

As Ken walked around the dimly lit garden in hopes of running into Ryder for a quick chat, instead of locating his childhood hero, Ken saw a beautiful girl sitting all by herself staring into the moon looking so stunningly gorgeous yet her expressions so despairing.

"Hey Cecilla, what you are doing out here all by yourself and looking all sad." Ken asked casually as he sat down on the bench next to the beautiful elf he met once before.

"Where are your manners? It's princess Cecilla to you. If my sister wasn't so head over heels in love with you, I would have got you expelled for being so disrespectful." Cecilla snapped back after seeing it was Ken who had approached her.

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