If it was the Ingram Kingdom, it was a dynasty before the establishment of the Langridge Empire.

So, this means......

"What the hell......? It's creepy. Is this map a thousand years old?"

Who the hell made this?

Not only were there one or two questionable points, but I ended up closing the map because it was something I couldn't find the answer to even if I thought about it now.

"Okay, let's go to the bunker first. Then I might find something."

I first put the map in the bag that Kayden made.

"But if I find the bunker...... What about Enoch and Kayden?"

I was wondering whether to take them with me or whether to go to the bunker alone as planned. After all, the bunker is for one person.

After thinking for a while, I breathed out a deep breath.

There is such a thing as a bond between life and death with them, but is it okay for me to leave alone?

Whether or not they will change when they meet Yuanna is not yet known.

Besides, it looks like Enoch and Kayden still need my help.

"Should I think about it a little longer?"

I eventually put the decision on hold because it wasn't a simple choice.

And I didn't forget what I had to do before Kayden and Enoch came.

It seemed that the string Kayden had made had run out, so I picked up willow bark and branches as well.

After I thinly sliced the willow bark and picked up branches near the hut for a while, I heard voices coming from somewhere, so I hurriedly hid among the bushes.

Not long after, a man and a woman appeared.

First, the man's short-cut dark chestnut hair and green eyes caught my eye.

Seeing him in his knight uniform, I knew he was Diego Bastian Wilterheim.

'Is that bastard the bad guy who stole my dress?'

Diego carried a woman on his back and then lowered her onto a fallen tree. Light brown hair, almost khaki, fluttered around her neck.

The appearance of Yuanna in the original that I remember and the face of the Saintess in Margaret's memory matched.

That woman seems to be Saintess Yuanna Lucy.

I was surprised that the condition of her clothes looked worse than my messy dress.

Her clothes were torn to the point of being unusable. Looking at the scars that could be seen beneath her clothes, it was clear that she had been scratched by a beast or attacked by a monster.


Diego sat down on his knee in front of Yuanna.

She had a very tired face. And Diego was looking at her with a very sad look.

"I know that Crown Prince Arthdal's coercive actions are giving you trouble."

Oh my. Are you trying to look better when the other male leads aren't around? At Diego's desperate line, I felt like I was watching a drama.

"Trust me and depend on me."

Then he bowed down and kissed Yuanna on the back of her foot. It looked like he was doing a reverent ceremony.

I looked at the two and was a little embarrassed.

'Why did you do that......?'

In the meantime, Yuana was just staring at Diego with no expression on her face. To be precise, she looked annoyed by Diego's actions.

She has an expression that seems as if she is tired of everything.

She looked very lethargic.

"Haah...... Well, yes. Thank you."

Yuanna answered tiredly.

However, Diego had a very touched face as if he had not noticed Yuanna's expression.

I stood silently watching the two of them until Diego carried Yuanna on his back and left.

'It's weird.'

"You scolded me for peeping at others, but you are no different from me."

"You startled me!"

I was startled by the sudden voice behind my back.

When I turned around, there was Ruzef with a fish on his waist.

I stared at the fish hanging from his waist.

Not a sword, but a fish on his waist. It even looks like the fish I gave him yesterday.

"What are you doing here?"

I covered my nose for a moment. This was because Ruzef had a fishy smell.

"I was passing by and saw you, then I came to you."

Unlike the last time, his feisty temper had subsided.

I remembered the conversation between Yuanna and Diego that I saw a while ago.

Looking back on my memory, it seems that there was an episode in the original story in which Ruzef, angry at Crown Prince Arthdal's tyranny, lived apart from his party for several weeks.

"Do you know who those people are?"

At my question, Ruzef slowly nodded his head.

"They are the people in my party."

Ruzef didn't answer any further. He frowned and stared at the place where Yuanna and Diego had disappeared.

"Didn't you go back yesterday?"

Ruzef glanced at me and shook his head.


"There are circumstances......"

He didn't finish his words as if it was hard to answer.

But, knowing roughly the reason, I did not ask any further questions. In fact, it was bothersome to listen to his circumstances one by one.

"Why didn't you eat that fish?"

I kept on smelling the fishy smell, so I covered my nose again, narrowed my brows, and looked at him.

"Don't you know how to make a fire?"

Ruzef said nothing and looked into my eyes.

Looks like he's starving all day today as well......

"Have you eaten?"

Again, Ruzef did not answer.


Instead, he answered my question with his stomach. I sighed as I saw Ruzef's face burning red.

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