Prologue: Silver Rose

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"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."-Friedrich Nietzsche.

-SDC Mine.-

A group of White Fang stood just outside one of the mines run by the Schnee Dust Company, eyeing the facility with no shortage of resentment. The mines were mostly worked by Faunus that barely eeked out a living in a very dangerous profession, often not even making enough to feed their families.

One of the members, a Bat Faunus, separated himself from the rest of his brothers and sisters in arms to deal with the guards at the entrance quietly. Silver crept up behind a guard that was patrolling the area, drawing his dagger, Whisper, then clamping his hand over the guard's mouth and stabbed him in the neck, causing the human to choke on his own blood. He dragged the guard's corpse out of sight and moved on.

The young Faunus kept as low to the ground as possible, keeping his eyes and ears open for any other SDC guards, and almost blew his cover when a guard spotted him. Acting quickly, he grabbed her and stabbed Whisper into her chin, piercing her skull and hitting her brain, killing her in seconds.

Although Whisper was a simple dagger, it was still a useful weapon, which was why he often had the dagger close as a backup in case his primary weapon was sent out of his grasp. If you asked his trainer, he would always say that in terms of getting a weapon out quickly, knives were always faster.

Silver gave a signal to the other White Fang members, saying they were clear to move in without issue. He rejoined his fellow Faunus as they moved deeper into the mine.

"Remember our objective." A gruff voice said. "We go in, find any Faunus here if there are any, get them out, then level this fucking place."

There were silent nods from everyone before they began to move through the mine. Silver was at the head of the pack, keeping his eyes trained for anything out of the ordinary or someone lying in wait for them. As they advanced, he saw nothing, and when they entered the main facility, there were a handful of guards and no Faunus.

Things were going well. Too well.

Silver put Whisper away and unsheathed his sword, Eclipse. It's design was inspired by Adam's Wilt, but with enough differences between the two to separate them from each other. He approached one of the guards and stabbed him through the back and through the heart, before pulling the blade from the guard, letting the body land with a loud thud.

This caught the other guards' attention, and they trained there weapons on him.

"Evening." Silver said.

The guards fired at Silver, but the Bat Faunus blocked the shots with Eclipse, spinning the blade in a way that swatted the rounds away from him. He then rushed towards the guards, destroying their guns before cutting them down. He grabbed his sword in both hands as he heard more footsteps and more guards arrived and advanced on him. Silver was calm about all of this, which unnerved the guards around him, but didn't stop them from opening fire on him.

Silver was hit by the rounds, but his body suddenly vanished and a guard cried out before falling to the ground dead as Silver stood behind her. He sheathed Eclipse on his back and transformed the scabbard into a shotgun and fired it, punching a hole in another guard's chest. He pumped the gun as a shell fell from the weapon before he pointed at another guard and blasted him in the face, destroying it.

He pumped the weapon again, before drawing Eclipse and cutting down another guard, before using it to block another volley of bullets from the rest of them. He put the shotgun back on his back as it transformed back into a scabbard, before his hair started glowing silver as he released all of the stored energy from the blocked attacks in a silver wave of force that sent every single guard in front of him flying away from him.

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