Chapter 31: How Much You've Meant

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Midoriya POV:

Kacchan and I walked downstairs to see everyone already gathered to start eating. Iida and Todoroki had made chicken fried rice with a bunch of vegetables and other sides. It seems that even though he started not so well with cooking, Todoroki has been able to do a lot better now.

I saw Ochako sitting down with Yaoyorozu and Asui at her side.

I'm glad they were able to make up yesterday. I should apologize for I how I got with them though. In hindsight, it was a little bit of an overreaction.

I sat down across from Ochako and was between Iida and Kacchan since the girls took the seats next to her. When she realized this she shot me a look that said Sorry about that. I nodded my head to convey that it was alright.

Once everyone sat down and started eating, it was usually quiet. Only small conversations were happening and they didn't last long. It seemed like the only topic that was worth talking about no one dared to mention.

I guess if people aren't talking because it's awkward I might as well say what I need to first to break that tension.

"Hey, Yaoyorozu, Asui," I started. The two girls looked up from their plates and looked at me, as did everyone else at the table. "I just wanted to apologize for the way I got with you guys yesterday. I took it too far and should have approached it better."

"Oh you don't need to apologize," Yaoyorozu said.

"Yeah, we kinda deserved it," Asui added.

"Oh, well, I'm just glad that no one's mad at each other," I said.

"So are we," they both said.

"Wait, what happened?" Ojiro asked. Bakugo spoke up though before anyone could answer.

"Those two upset Round Face when they confronted her on things yesterday," Bakugo started as he gestured to Yaoyorozu and Asui. "Deku responded by busting into their room and screaming at them."

"What, that was you Midoriya?" Sero asked. I looked down a bit in embarrassment, not realizing everyone else might have heard.

"Yeah, like I said it was a bit of an overreaction." I tried to eat my food again to move past it all, and it seemed like everyone else did the same.

After about 20 minutes we all finished eating. It was Sero and Tokoyami's day to clean up, so they handled it all as we started to disperse. I noticed it was nice outside so I decided I would go out and just relax in the field where I used to train at night.

Not even saying a word I stood up and made my way to the back door so I could go out there.


Bakugo POV:

After I saw Deku leave, I figured that was the chance for me to speak up about it.

"So, why didn't any of you ask Deku about any of what we were told before, or talk to him at all?" I asked them as they all turned towards me.

"Well, it's not the easiest topic to bring up," Kaminari said.

"Yeah, it's kinda hard to adjust after learning something big like that," Sato said.

"Do you realize what that's going to make him think though? It's going to make him feel like none of you trust or accept him anymore because of it." I looked at everyone's faces, and just saw looks of disappointment, not in me, but in themselves for not being able to see that. "You all need to figure out how you can show Deku it doesn't matter where his quirk came from, but that you all accept him regardless."

"How do you expect us to do that?" Jiro asked.

A grin came across my face as I thought of the perfect plan.

"I have just the perfect idea in mind."


Uraraka POV:

After dinner I went upstairs for a bit to get my stuff ready for school tomorrow. By the time I went back downstairs I saw that mostly everyone was gone. I looked around for Izuku and saw him standing outside in the back of the dorms. I headed over so I could be with him.

Opening the sliding door I stepped outside in the night. The air was chilly, but not so much that you'd be cold. It was just the right amount that it was comfortable. Looking up into the sky I saw there weren't any clouds, so seeing the stars was easy. The whole sky was illuminated with them and it was beautiful.

I walked up next to Izuku and leaned on him a little.

"Hey," I said as he looked down at me now.

"Hey," he responded.

The two of us stood there for a bit, just looking into each other's eyes and admiring each other.

"Did anyone ever tell you how pretty you look?" He asked me, making me blush a bit.

"Only you have," I responded sheepishly.

"Yeah, and to think I have someone as pretty as you as my girlfriend too. I never would have imagined this two months ago."

"Same. I was always so nervous to do anything or make a move." I wrapped an arm around him so I could be even closer to him.

"I was the same way." He reached a hand down and brushed some of my hair out of my face. "You know, I never thanked you for everything you did for me over the past 2 months."

"What do you mean? What do you have to thank me for?"

"I need to thank you for being there for me and being someone I could open up to when I could to no one else. I need to thank you for being so trusting and keeping One for All's secret while it still was a secret, even when others pressured you not to." He then slid away from my arm and held his arms around my waist, while still keeping some distance between us. "But most importantly, I want to thank you for being the most amazing girlfriend ever."

Izuku then leaned down towards my face, and I responded by doing the same. We both closed our eyes as our lips collided with each other. As we stood there we both melted into the kiss, letting ourselves get more into it. We stayed like this for a minute until Izuku pulled away gently and looked back down at me.

"Ochako, thank you for everything you've done for me. I can't even put into words how much you mean to me."

"Izuku, that means so much," I said as I started to get a little closer to him. "But there are three words I can think of to describe how much you mean to me right now."

"Oh, and what's that?" He asked.

"I love you."

He looked down at me with a warm smile on his face. Cupping my face with his hands and holding me softly as he spoke the words back to me as well.

"I love you too."

We both leaned into each other and kissed again underneath the starry night sky together on that brisk night.


Author's Note: Deku and Uraraka finally have their happy ending. No more secrets, no more stress, just pure happiness and bliss. Also just because Bakugo's story has concluded, didn't mean he wasn't going to lend a hand when needed. The next chapter will be the last, so I hope you all stick around for the final piece of this story. I'll hopefully get it out by tomorrow morning.

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