Chapter 3: Requesting Permission

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Uraraka POV:

I walked back into the kitchen quickly, having forgotten my phone there. As I passed by the commons area I saw Kirishima, Kaminari, and Ashido all hanging out and playing video games, talking loudly.

"Hah, you suck Kirishima!" Kaminari exclaimed as he took first place in Mario Kart.

"Not really. Looks like your luck is about to run out," Kirishima replied with a smirk on his face. On the screen, a flash of blue went by and started circling Kaminari.

"Oh, crap not the blue shell!" With that, I saw Kaminari get knocked out of first place, with Kirishima and then Ashido passing him and finishing the race.

"Wow, even I beat you Kaminari. Looks like you're the one that sucks at this." Ashido said while laughing.

"It's a stupid game anyway," Kaminari said as electricity sparked in his hands.

With the match over I snapped out of it and turned around to try and find my flip phone.

Where could I have kept it?

As I looked around I saw it at the counter where I was sitting before I had gone upstairs. Grabbing it I turned to head back upstairs, only to see Deku and Bakugo rush out of the dorms together.

"Was that Bakugo heading out with Midoriya?" Kirishima asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Looked like it," Kaminari began. "Since when does he hang out with Midoriya?"

"I don't know but it seems kinda weird," Ashido chimes in.

"Oh! Deku said that he was going to ask him for new ways to train." I started as I joined their conversation. "They're probably just heading out so Bakugo can show him what to do."

"I guess," Kirishima began. "But why would Midoriya go to Bakugo with that? Something seems weird about it."

"Eh don't worry about it," Kaminari replied. "If Bakugo's lightened up enough to help out Midoriya we should see it as a good thing."

"Exactly. We should be glad that our classmate is starting to make a change," I said as I started to head back toward the elevator. "Gotta go, see you guys later!"

Thinking about it though, it is kinda weird that Bakugo is going out of his way to help Deku. I shouldn't try to dwell on it as much though. As long as Deku can learn what he needs to do.

The elevator door then closed and I headed back upstairs to my dorm to get my homework done.


Midoriya POV:

Kacchan and I lightly jogged out of the dorms and towards the main school building. I know All Might is still there right now but he usually leaves in about ten minutes. We need to hurry up so we don't miss him.

"Let's hurry up Kacchan!" I said to him as I started to run faster. "We need to get there before All Might leave."

"Alright, fine." He said as he started to blast off ahead, propelling himself with his quirk.

I chatted up One for All to 20 percent and started to move faster. Within a few minutes, we were at the main UA building and headed right inside.

The two of us walked up to All Night's door and opened it right up, and we have greeted by the sight of him packing his bag as he was leaving.

"Ah, young Midoriya, young Bakugo. What brings you here so late? I was just about to head out." All might said to the two boys that had just barged into his office.

"We have a request about our training," Kacchan said to him before I could even start.

"Oh, what kind of request?" He questioned back.

"Well All Might, I've been trying to increase my training to try and make more progress but it's moving along slower than I thought," I started explaining. "I think that for me to make progress as fast as I do I need to spar with someone. Kacchan agreed to help me but we don't want to get in trouble like last time. So would you be able to watch over and supervise us so we won't get in trouble?"

"I have no problem with monitoring you two, but could I ask why you're so hell-bent on unrobing so much so quickly? You've been doing fine so far, so why change it up now?" All Might questioned me.

"What does it matter? He wants to get stronger, that's what's important, right?" Kacchan said annoyed.

"No Kacchan, there's no reason he shouldn't know." I turned my attention back to All Might. "Ever since the incident at Kamino Ward when you retired, crime has increased and the villains have become restless. Without you, as a symbol, any more hero society is starting to crack. Now that I'm the sole wielder of One for All it's my responsibility to fill your spot and restore peace. That's why I need to get stronger, to be a hero like you were, and keep order."

"Young Midoriya, I don't know what to say. I find it admirable that you want to do that, and it makes me all the more proud that I chose you to be my successor. Even if you might not be able to become a pro hero yet, I'll help you to reach the level you're aiming for. That way with your strength and spirit alone you can influence society."

As I heard those words my heart became filled with joy, which fueled my determination even more. I had everything I needed to start expediting my progress. More importantly, I had All Might's support with this.

"That's great. Very cool." Kacchan said breaking the silence I didn't even know had formed. "Now it's getting pretty late and I don't feel like fighting just yet. So let's just do this tomorrow morning."

Without even a response Kacchan turned and walked out of the office, probably heading back to the dorms.

"Well, then it's settled. We can meet at the training facility tomorrow morning at 5:30. That way you'll have enough time before your classes to do what you want to do," All Might explained to me.

"Got it, thank you very much, sir!" I said as I bowed. "I'll see you tomorrow morning then."

"Goodbye, young Midoriya. Rest up so you can be ready for it all."

"Got it All Might!"

With that, I turned and walked out of the office and started back towards the dorms. Tomorrow I'll finally start to improve more toward my goal than ever before!


Bakugo POV:

It took me only ten minutes to get back to the dorms. As much as I'd like to pummel that nerd right now I'd rather wait and go at him when I'm fully ready. Now I can finally hold to my promise.

As I walked into the dorms I saw Shitty Hair, Dunce Face, and Racoon Eyes all in the commons area.

Great. Didn't want to have to deal with people right now.

As I walked past them hoping they would ignore me, I was proven wrong when the horned girl spoke up.

"Where'd you go with a Midoriya, Bakugo?" She asked. "Not like you to hang out with him willingly.

Damn. How am I supposed to explain this to people? They're gonna start assuming something's up if I'm with him more often now.

"He asked me to show him some exercises." I turned to try and walk away when Kirishima spoke up.

"And you willingly helped him?" I tensed at that. Had to figure a way out of this one

"Yeah. I figured why not. It'll only prove how much better than him I am the next time I beat him."

"Okay, dude. If that's what you think," Kaminari said.

Annoyed at them all for trying to get in my business, I turned around with a huff and made my way upstairs. I wanna be in perfect condition for tomorrow when I pummel Deku.


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