Chapter 24: A Teacher Knows All

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3rd Person POV:

The school bell rang, signifying lunch had begun. Iida looked over to Todoroki and they both nodded, knowing that they had to do their plan now.

As Iida stood up, however, Midoriya and Uraraka walked over to him like usual.

"Let's go, Iida, it's time for lunch," Midoriya said. Although he was still upset about what happened before, he didn't want to hold a grudge against his friend.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see what's on the menu today!" Uraraka exclaimed.

"I'm sorry guys, but I can't make it today," Iida started. "I have something I need to do for ... student council! Yes, student council. Some of the other class representatives and I are meeting up to discuss some things in the school. So unfortunately I will be missing lunch with you guys."

I should've thought up an excuse earlier on so I wouldn't sound suspicious. Iida thought to himself.

"Oh that stinks," Midoirya started. "We'll see you later then." The couple then waved and walked off hand in hand.

"You'd think they'd know by now that we don't have a student council here, right?" Todoroki asked.

"Either way their lack of knowledge helped us, so let's not complain. We have to speak to All Might, now."

They then headed off towards their teacher's office so they could question him on what's been going on with their friend recently.


The two boys made it to All Might's office in a good amount of time, still having 25 minutes left of lunch. That meant they had up to 25 minutes to get All Might to talk.

As they approached the door, Todoroki reached up a hand and knocked on it. Within a moment All Might opened the door, albeit shocked to see the two of them waiting outside.

"Young Iida and Young Todoroki? What brings you two here?" All Might asked, confused.

"Can we come in? We wanted to ask you a few questions about training." Todoroki asked.

"Sure no problem! I'm happy to help," All Might exclaimed as he stepped aside allowing the two boys to enter. They made their way over to the chairs in front of All Might's desk and sat down.

"So, what is it you wanted to ask me about regarding your training?" All Might inquired.

"Oh, well you see, it's not exactly our training we wanted to ask about," Iida said.

"Oh, whose training then?"

"Midoriya's," Todoroki said bluntly, causing a look of shock to appear on All Might's face for a moment, but he quickly composed himself.

"Uh, what do you need to know about that?" He asked nervously.

"We just feel that something's changed recently and he's been overdoing it a bit, and we feel that you know the answer as to why," Iida explained, hoping All Might would just tell them the truth and they wouldn't have to force it out of him.

"I'm sorry, but all young Midoirya did was ask me to supervise his training," All Might explained while trying to stay calm. "I don't know what his motives are."

"See, that's how we know you're lying," Iida said. "You of all people should know how much Midoriya looks up to you, so you should at least have some idea of why he would work himself to such lengths."

"Or maybe you do know the truth, and are too ashamed to admit it because you felt it wasn't right either," Todoroki said a bit harshly.

All Might made sure to keep a calm look on the outside, but on the inside, he was freaking out.

How much do these two kids know? They couldn't possibly know the truth, could they? All Might thought to himself.

"I won't lie, young Midoriya has been training so hard because he wants to impress me. Although he already did so a long time ago, he feels he still has to do more." All Might prayed they would take that as an answer and leave satisfied.

"You know, recently it's been revealed how there are people who can transfer quirks, and your and Midoriya's quirks are almost identical," Todoroki started. "Are you sure that's the reason Midoirya's been training so hard, and not that he's trying to fully utilize a quirk that you gave him?"

These two are much smarter than I realized. All Might thought.

"Listen, whatever you think you know, you're incorrect," All Might said with a little bit of harshness in his voice. "Midoriya's quirk manifested late, that's all. Now I think it's time for you two to leave, I have a meeting I need to attend soon."

"All right then, no problem," Iida said as he stood up. "But you sending us away after saying that only tells us that we're right, you know."

"Not like you'll tell us anyways, we'll find out another way," Todoroki added as they both left the room, leaving All Might now alone.

This isn't good. I need to warn young Midoriya that they're onto him. All Might thought to himself as worry spread across his face.


Author's Note: A little bit of a shorter chapter this time. I didn't want to fit in multiple topics into this and have them be rushed, so I'd rather flesh out the two ideas a bit more and just have them be in separate, shorter chapters. With how late we're getting into this I don't think there's any need to rush. So I hope you all like where this is going.

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