Chapter 16: The Walk Home

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Uraraka POV:

It was the end of the day, and for once Izuku didn't walk with Iida and me. Once the bell rang he immediately left the class with Bakugo.

Guess I'll have to find him when he gets back to the dorms later on.

It was a nice day outside, so the walk wouldn't be bad in any way. Iida and I were in silence for most of it, up until he broke that and brought up what I hoped he never would ask about.

"If you don't mind me asking Uraraka, are you and Midoriya dating?" He asked with curiosity.

"Ah! W-what?" My face went red with embarrassment.

"Ah sorry. Guess it's a sensitive topic. Forget that I asked."

"N-no, it's fine you don't need to apologize," I stammered out as I waved my arms in front of my face. Eventually, I was able to regain my composure though so I could talk normally. "We've just been hanging out a lot more recently. We aren't dating though." I started to show a bit of disappointment at that last bit.

"Do you want to be? I won't say anything, I wouldn't do something like that," Iida said with reassurance in his voice.

He really won't tell anyone, so there's no harm in telling him the truth.

I looked up at Iida and looked into his eyes. Then, for the first time, I finally told someone how I truly felt.

"Yeah, I do. I've wanted to for some time, but it was only until recently that I started to act upon my feelings."

"So why not say anything to Midoriya?"

"I didn't know if he felt the same way. But after we went on our date last week and hung out a lot since then I've finally started to think that he feels the same way."

"Let me assure you this. He does feel the same way for you. He might not have said it openly, but I've seen the way he is around you." Iida smiled warmly at me with that last bit. "You have nothing to worry about."

Finally, I had some reassurance that my feelings would be returned. For once, I felt confident that things between us might work out.

"I'm also hoping that with this, Izuku might trust me enough to tell me what's been bothering him lately," I added. "That's what made me start pursuing these feelings. Not for my desires, but because I wanted to be someone he can rely on to help him deal with his troubles."

"That's wonderful, Uraraka. From that alone I can tell that you would make a great girlfriend, and Midoriya would be lucky to have you as one."

"Thanks, Iida."

"Also, since when are you on a first name basis with him?" He asked curiously.

"Ah not that long," I said sheepishly. "It only started a little over a week ago."

"I see," Iida said as he stared off in thought.

With that, we finally arrived back at the dorms, and after entering we went our separate ways after going inside.


Midoriya POV:

Kacchan and I were walking back to the dorms together after we had stopped by the training facility with All Might and Mr. Aizawa after school. All Might wanted to see if I could bring Black Whip out again, and brought Mr. Aizawa along to stop me if I went out of control. It didn't work though. I couldn't get Black Whip to come out again.

We spent a half hour trying, and then All Might sent Kacchan and me home. He didn't want us overdoing it at all and told us to get some rest.

So now here we were, walking home on a nice fall day. Probably one of the last ones this year with winter approaching soon. Neither Kacchan nor I said a word for the first bit of the walk, but then he broke the silence by bringing up the last thing I'd ever think he'd talk about.

"So you and Round Face, huh?" He asked nonchalantly.

"What about us?" I asked, annoyed that he called her that.

"What, need me to spell it out?"

"Spell what out? What are you trying to say, Kacchan?"

"Holy crap are you two dating or not? You've been hanging around her non-stop for the past week." I blushed profusely once he said that. I didn't think about what others would assume if they saw us together. I didn't account for dealing with other people knowing about us.

"No, Kacchan. We're not dating."

"So you're telling me you're spending all that time with her just for shits and giggles?" He grabbed a leaf that was floating down through the air and made it burn up with his quirk, crumbling to ash.

"You need to promise you won't tell."

"I don't care enough to tell anyone, idiot." He said as he flung the dust over his shoulder.

"Well no, it's not for nothing. I do like her and I'm hoping to start dating soon. I'm pretty sure she feels the same way."

"She does." I couldn't believe what he just said. Like literally could not believe it.

"How would you know?" I asked as I practiced harnessing One for All into my fingertips to use Air Force, a habit I picked up to train more.

"I can just tell by the way she looks at you. Shoot your shot, Deku. It'll be fine."

"You think so?"

"Sure, just don't quote me on it."

"Thanks, Kacchan. That means a lot."

"Don't mention it. Literally don't mention it, I don't want people thinking I'm going soft."

"Sure, whatever you want."

At that moment, I realized that I finally had my childhood best friend back. After all these weeks of helping me train, and now even giving me girl advice, I realized he truly does care. It overjoyed me to think that after so long we were able to become friends again.


Author's Note: I decided to give Bakugo a moment to show how he's changed. Ever since he started helping Deku train he began to be nicer and less hateful to others. This is just a way to see what that's come to.

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