Chapter 30: Apologies and Thanks

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Midoriya POV:

As Ochako and I sat there in my room, just relaxing with one another, we heard a knock at my door. Not even asking who it was, I went over and answered it. Opening my door I saw Iida and Todoroki standing outside.

"Oh, hey guys," I said to them. "What's up?"

"Can we come in, Midoriya?" Todoroki asked. "There's something we want to speak to you about."

"Sure, no problem," I said as I stepped aside to let them in. "Ochako's in here too, just so you know."

"That works out better for us," Iida replied as he entered. "Hey, Uraraka."

"Hey guys," she said with a small hint of worry in her voice.

She must be nervous about what they're here for. Could they be mad that I kept One for All's secret for so long?

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked the duo.

"We wanted to come and apologize to you and Uraraka," Todoroki started. "Over the past two months, we haven't been good friends. We kept trying to pry into your secrets and force you to tell us what was happening when we should have just supported you and waited until you were ready to talk to us."

"We only wished to help at first, but over time frustration clouded our judgment and we found ourselves to hold a bit of animosity towards you because of how you were keeping things from us," Iida continued. "As aspiring heroes, we should have realized when to back off and let things run their course, and not keep pressuring you about it."

"For that, we are both very sorry," the two now said in unison as they bowed. "We hope you can forgive us for our actions."

"Guys," I started, trying not to get emotional as I felt tears start to well up in my eyes. "It means a lot that you both came and said that. I hated not being able to tell you guys the truth, and even though I was annoyed when you kept pressuring me, I wished I could. I understand why you guys got the way you did, and I accept your apology."

"Thank you, Midoriya. It means a lot to us that you understand, and we hope things can just go back to normal," Todoroki said as he walked over and shook my hand.

"I hope so too, so let's not let there be any awkwardness, alright?" I asked them both.

"Understood. I'm just glad we can go back to the way things were," Iida commented.

"Agreed," I said back to him.

Taking a moment the two then looked at each other, and Todoroki spoke up first.

"Now that that's done, time for the next order of business." Todoroki and Iida then turned to Uraraka, who was still sitting on the bed and bowed toward her now.

"We're both sorry for the way the girls spoke to you," they both said in unison once again.

"It was our idea and plan that inevitably led them to confront you like that," Iida began.

"It's only right that we apologize to you as well for what happened," Todoroki continued. "We hope you can forgive us as well."

"I forgave Yaoyorozu and Tsuyu, so why wouldn't I forgive you guys as well?" Uraraka responded. "You guys were all stressed out and angry towards the situation, and confronting us about it was your only way of releasing all of that. Although it was hurtful, I understand how you all realized your mistakes, so I forgive you guys as well. There's no reason for us to stay mad at each other. We are friends after all."

"Thank you, Uraraka," Iida said as he went over and hugged her. "I'm glad to know that you aren't angry with the girls either."

"Thanks. I just want everyone to go back to being friends like we were." She responded.

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