Chapter 4: Let the Training Begin

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Midoriya POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring. As I opened my eyes and raised my hand to turn it off, I saw it read 4:45 am.

Oh yeah, I'm starting my training with Kacchan today. I have to get up now if I'm to make it on time.

I slowly started to rise out of bed, much to my body's disapproval. I wasn't used to getting up this early, so this would take some getting used to.

Once up though I quickly got on with my morning routine. I got washed quickly and put on my workout clothes. I grabbed my gauntlets and my phone and then headed out of the dorms.

Once I made it down to the commons area I saw Kacchan was already there waiting for me.

"About time you came down," he said with his usual sneer. "Let's get going. I want to get started."

The two of us started to make our way toward the training facility, walking in complete silence the whole way. I soon realized though that we needed a plan going into this. Even though this was only sparring, we needed to set some rules on how we would fight so no one gets seriously hurt.

"Kacchan, let's make sure that we're careful during all of this."

"What do you mean by that idiot? We're going to be fighting. Why should I be careful?"

"It's only sparring. And we want to improve, so getting seriously injured wouldn't help either of us right now would it?"

"I guess not." He turned his head away and grumbled to himself.

"Let's just make sure not to do any attacks that can cause serious damage. Nothing that'll break a bone or cause a concussion. At most, we should get a bad bruise."

At the sound of that Kacchan turned back towards me and put a large grin on his face.

"Now that I can work with."

The two of us finally got to the training facility and made our way inside. The facility wasn't anything you wouldn't expect in a normal gym. It had workout machines, cardio equipment, and just regular free weights. The thing that set it apart though was the reinforced sparring area that was built to specifically handle high-damage quirks. And with all of the explosions, fire, ice, and electricity that gets sent out by the people in our class it was needed. Looking over, we saw All Might standing by the sparring arena.

"There you two are," he started to bellow across the whole facility. "Let's get this started, shall we?"

Kacchan and I both put our stuff down outside the area and walked toward the middle. We took a few steps away from one another and turned to face each other. All Might then counted us off.

"All right, begin!" He shouted.

Instantly Kacchan used his explosions to propel himself forward toward me. As he flew he extended his leg wide and spun in the air, making an overarching kick. I charged up One for All to 20% and dodged, making a quick counterattack by punching him in his side.

Recovering from the hit he stood up and faced me. We both got ready and started to charge at one another. He was able to fake another kick to get me to flinch, which left him the opening he needed to hit me with a right hook.

I fell to the ground and landed hard, but was still able to get up and continue. I slowly stood up and got ready for my next attack.

This was going to be a long training session.


Bakugo POV:

I stood in the middle of the area over Deku as he was knocked down, unable to get up due to being too exhausted.

"I told you not to let me beat you again." My anger was at levels I'd never felt before. It pissed me off to know that he still couldn't beat me, even after I told him last time that he shouldn't let me. But that's the point of this. To make him better.

"Well it seems I have some more training to do then," he replied as he slowly stood up.

"I'd say that's a good place to stop." All Might began. "It's already a quarter after 6, and school starts up in an hour. You guys should head back to the dorms and get ready."

"Got it All Might. Thanks for monitoring us," Deku said as we left the ring.

"Yeah, what he said." I was glad that he was here. I've always looked up to All Might, and now that I have him helping with the training I'm doing it made me happy.

"You both looked really good out there today. I'm sure that if you both keep working like this you'll reach new heights. Anytime you both want to come here and train let me know and I'll come so you don't get in trouble."

"Thanks All Might!" Deku said happily.

"It's not a problem. Now get back so you have enough time to get ready."

"Alright see ya then!"


3rd Person POV:

It was about 6:30 in the morning now and a few kids from the class were up and getting ready for the day. Iida stood already ready to leave so he could be to class extra early, while Asui, Yaomomo, Todoroki, and Kirishima were all eating breakfast.

As everyone talked amongst each other they all heard the door open and saw Midoriya and Bakugo walk through and head upstairs.

A few of them had questioning looks on their faces, but only Iida spoke up.

"Midoriya and Bakugo? What an odd pairing to see together."

No one paid too much attention to it however and continued with their previous conversions as Iida left, ignoring their classmates' seemingly peculiar new routine.


Author's Note: When it comes to these sparring sessions, I'm not going to go into full detail for the entirety of them, since there will be so many of them. I'll add in the details and go through them though when they contribute to the plot.
I also want to say thanks to all you guys reading this, as well as those leaving votes. It means a lot to see this getting positive feedback.

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