Chapter 8: Some Quick Training Beforehand

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Midoriya POV:

The dust in the air cleared after my attack, and I saw Kacchan standing in the middle of the arena, clearly fatigued.

Good. I'm finally making enough progress to get him tired during these. This just shows my improvement.

I started running towards him again, using Full Cowling at 20%, something that feels so little now that I've been training it hard. As I got close enough I readied a punch but out of nowhere he got a burst of speed and was able to dodge.

Switching strategies, I started to use Air Force to try and knock him off balance. That would give me an opening to attack. Unfortunately, he was moving too fast for any of my attacks to hit him.

Damnit. If only I could knock him over, or even restrain him I'd be able to land a few hits.

Realizing my current strategy wasn't going to work, I started to charge up One for All even further up to 25%, something I've only done a few other times while training.

Using my increased speed I started to alternate between attacks. I would charge after Kacchan and try to hit him with a punch, and after his dodge, I'd attempt to use Air Force.

I kept this up for a few minutes, and as I did I started to notice a stinging sensation in my arms. I've felt it a few times when I've powered up this much before, but I've never given it much thought, thinking it was just my body's reaction to using this much power.

As we both stayed at this standstill All Might finally decided to step in.

"All right, I'd say that's enough for today. You've both been at it for a half hour and it's Saturday, so you should both take some time to rest." Hearing his words the two of us stopped fighting and turned to him. As much as he spoke the truth, I still wanted to do more.

"Damn, it was just getting good too," Kacchan said with a scowl as he turned to me, but it soon became a smirk once his eyes locked onto mine. "I had you turning in circles huh, Deku?"

"So what if you did? I still had you panting back there for a bit. Just goes to show how much progress I've made." This time it was my turn to smirk.

"Whatever. Let's just head back already. It's 8:30." I jumped up when I heard that, not realizing the time.

"8:30! I need to get back to the dorms quickly and get ready!"

"What are you in such a rush for? Going on a date, nerd?" Kacchan laughed as he said the last bit, not thinking I would be going out with someone. My face got a bit red, but I made sure to calm down and keep my composure.

"Actually yes." His face dropped once I said that.

"Who would go out with someone like you?"

"For your information, Uraraka asked to hang out today."

"Hah! Round Face. That's hilarious. You have your fun though." Kacchan then turned and started to walk out of the facility. I started to do the same as well so I could get back with enough time to prepare.

"Thanks for supervising All Might! I'll see you tomorrow!" I smiled at my mentor, appreciating greatly everything he was doing for me.

"No problem. Make sure you rest up. And have fun on your date." Now my face got red. I took that as my chance though to leave before the conversation got weird.

Besides, I have a date to get ready for.


Bakugo POV:

The stupid nerd caught up to me as I was walking back to the dorms, and as we walked in he rushed upstairs immediately, probably to get ready for his stupid date.

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