25> We meet again

Start from the beginning

"Please stop..." she begged her little heart to calm down but it didn't seem to obey her. It was all because of her encounter with Taeyeon, the person who once she loved... or loves...

She took a deep breath. "Why are doing this Taeyeon... why..." she muttered weakly. Feeling a lot calmer, she went to nearby sink and splash her face a few times with cold water. Her own reflection in the mirror really look like a mess. She didn't know how she felt right now. She never expect to see Taeyeon again after one year. Taeyeon had change. Not just her look but her action too. She had long black hair with bangs which makes her look younger. Her attire look more mature, suitable to her profession as a doctor. The only thing that still the same was her gaze. Taeyeon always have this tender gaze when their eyes met. She swore for a split second when she look at Taeyeon in the board room just now, she saw the same look Taeyeon was giving her when they were together. The look that could break her inner wall which could make her forget about everything else execpt the person in front of her.

"Hello, anyone inside?" A knock from outside stratled her. Tiffany quickly wiped her face and straightened her clothes. She curved a smile once in the mirror before unlocking the door.

Taeyeon knocked again, "Hello?"

Taeyeon was surprised when the door was opened by Tiffany. The eye smile on the girl's face faltered when she looked at her. Tiffany walked pass through her but Taeyeon didn't want to let her go and grabbed her arm, pulling her inside the washroom and locked the door behind her.

"Is this how you greet me after one year?" Taeyeon asked but Tiffany looked away.

"I told you I don't want to see you ever again," Tiffany replied.

"They put me here. I have no idea you are working here as well." Taeyeon explained.

"Huh, I don't believe you."

"It's not my problem if you don't want to believe me. But I think you are rude."

Tiffany turned at Taeyeon sharply at that sentence.

"Yes, you are rude. You left me because of something I did in the past and after that happen you just cast me away and treated me like this?? I can't believe you are the person that I once loved before Tiffany."

Taeyeon's sentence felt like they were stabbed her right on her heart.

"And what's wrong with me being here? Am I bothering you? You think I'm here because I want you to take me back?? To beg you??" she said almost yelled.

Tiffany didn't react, Taeyeon just continued.

"If you think that way, then, let me enlighten you Tiffany Hwang. I'm not gonna crawl back to someone who judge me because of my past, and someone who left me when I needed her the most, and someone like you."

Tiffany could feel something was breaking in her chest but she ignored them. "Good because I also don't want anything to do with a liar like you," Tiffany said before let herself out. The door was slammed behind her.

Taeyeon sighed heavily. Honestly, she didn't know Tiffany was currently working in that hospital until she saw her picture on the bulletin board on her way to the surgical department. Truth to be told, she wasn't sure what she was feeling right now. She hated the other girl as much as she loves her. It was confusing and it's killing her. She couldn't control what had just coming out from her mouth. But things had happened.

Taeyeon pulled out her cell and dial a number, "Hello Yuri-ah."

"Taeng!! How are you? You get there safely?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I just done with reporting my duty here."

"It's everything's alright?"

"Yeah but..."


"I met her..."

"Tiffany? You met Tiffany? Out of hundred hospital in Korea you were sent to the same hospital as her? Wow, it must be a fate! God must be laughing at you two at the moment."

Taeyeon rolled her eyes at Yuri's comment, "Yuri, I seriously didn't know what to dol... after what she did. She left me after knowing my past..."

"Taeyeon-ah, it's your fault too for keeping it from her."

"I know, but I'm hurting to Yuri-ah. How could she left me just because of that? Do I not deserve a second chance Yuri-ah? You see how my life after she left... I don't wanna go through that again."

"Alright, I'm not gonna force you or anything. Just don't hurt yourself k? But you know, sometimes, you can't control your feeling Taeyeon-ah."


Taeyeon went to the surgical ward. The hospital have 13 floor in total and surgical ward was located at 7 and 8 floor. All other division such as Medical, Orthopedic, Geriatric, Neurology ward and others were on the same building except Paediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynecology ward which were on a separate building.

The ward were divided into A and B wings. Some of the post-operative patient were also placed in the ICU ward in the 3 floor. Taeyeon introduced herself to staff in the ward and she was currently placed in the Upper GI team under Prof Han. In the team, there were other three medical officers and two house officers.

The two young HO were startled as Taeyeon introduce herself to them.

"Ah, I'm Oh Sehun and this, Byun Baekhyun," said Sehun who quickly introduce themselves as well after Taeyeon greeted them. Truth to be honest, HO usually were ignored by other doctors and residents. There are the lowest rank in the line and only following orders from above.

"Nice to meet you two. I hope we can work together," Taeyeon smiled and bowed. Baekhyun unblinked looking at Taeyeon's cheek dimple just to have Sehun elbowed him to bow back.

Taeyeon familiarizes herself with the hospital system in general. Other residents didn't bother to help her around. It was well understood as not everyone will welcome her presence there.

"Erika," Taeyeon heard someone called her. She get a goose bump every time someone call her that name but guess she needed to get used to it. She turned around to see Prof Shekar with another doctor on his side.

"Since I have the feelings that we might work together, I want to introduce you to Dr Lee Donghae who is in neuro team. And he is currently doing his research under me." He said as Donghae stepped forward offered his hand looking disinterested.

"So, this is the infamous, Erika Kim..." he whispered just to let Taeyeon hear her.

Taeyeon raise her eyebrows at the sarcastic remarks. She just smiled. "Nice to meet you Donghae-shi,"

"Honestly, I don't find it nice meeting you. I wonder why Prof speak so highly of someone like you."

"I also didn't know too. Please tell me if you happen to find out about it," Taeyeon replied before excusing herself.

Taeyeon was getting in the line to buy food in the cafeteria. She was thinking what she should get for lunch until she spotted Tiffany was sitting with a man, having lunch together.

"They look good together, right?" A nurse spoke to her.

"Hm..." Taeyeon just nodded, eyes still fixed at Tiffany who was happily chatting with the guy. They look close. She thought.

"Are they dating?" Taeyeon asked.

"Maybe. Not sure though but I know Dr Ok really like Dr Hwang a lot."

Looking at how friendly Tiffany with the male doctor, Taeyeon realize how she missed looking at her eye smile, hearing her laughter and the clapped hands who sometimes used to hit her when being teased. She was thinking if those smile will ever be directed to her again.

"Do you really have move on Fany-ah?"

"Because honestly, I haven't Fany-ah. I haven't move on..."

[TAENYFic] Accidental Love (completed)Where stories live. Discover now