"What about school?" Stiles asks, bringing me back to the conversation at hand.

"You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a fifty-foot distance." The older Stilinski answers.

Of course, Stiles continues to push it, "But—ok, what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time," all three adults sigh, crossing their arms, and my hand moves to cover my face, I wish he would stop talking...

Just when I don't think it can get worse, he continues, "and there's only two stalls available, and they're only right next to each other...?"

I not-so-subtly kick the back of his seat, telling him to shut up.

He innocently glances back at me, but when he is met with the angry glare adorning my face, and then notices the similar expression his father is wearing, he relents, "...I'll just hold it."

Not long after that, my mom is ushering me and my brother out of the interrogation room, and Stilinski is doing the same to Stiles, while also lecturing him.

Stiles ends up saying something about subjective humor and adding that we at least filled the van's gas tank. And overall, just digging himself a deeper grave.

Scott stops walking and tries to eavesdrop but is prevented from hearing anything else when my mom shoves him forward, shouting, "MOVE!"

Oh, She's mad mad.

It's the first thing she's said since being here, and the venom in her voice is enough to make me jump.

She sends me an apologetic look for scaring me, then motions for me to keep going down the hall so that she can talk to Scott privately.

I do as I'm told, but when I make it around the corner, I halt and begin trying to focus on what she's saying.

Eventually, my ears hone in on their conversation, specifically my mom's tired and shaky breath before she says, "It's not just this, although, a restraining order is a new low that I didn't think that you would reach quite this soon. It's everything on top of it—the completely bizarre behavior, the late nights coming home, having to beg Mr. Harris for you to make up that chemistry test you missed..."

"I missed a chemistry test?" Scott genuinely seems surprised.

Oh, dear sweet cheese and crackers Scott... really?!

My mom's response is practically identical to mine, "Really, Scott? Really?" before she breaks, "I have to ground you. I am grounding you. You are grounded."

"What about work?"

"Fine." She sighs. "Other than work. And no TV."

"My TV's broken."

"Then no computer."

"I need the computer for school."

"Then no, uh..." she briefly looks around for something to take from him, and her eyes light up when they land on my boyfriend, "No Stiles."

The boy in question offendedly yelps "What? No Stiles?" and he starts moving towards them.

"NO STILES!" my mom firmly yells, causing the boy to backtrack with an awkward look on his face, "And no more car privileges. Give me your keys." She holds out her hand. When he doesn't move to give them over, she shouts again, "Give em to me!!" At this point he hands her his entire set of keys, and she starts trying to get the car key off of the ring, but ends up struggling, "Oh, for the love of God..."

"Mom, do you want me to—" my brother tries, but is cut off.

"No." she continues to fight with the keys, getting more frustrated by the second.

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