chapter 19

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so just like many other people, I have joined the welcome home fandom awhile ago but just haven't announced it. considering the end is somewhat near, do you guys want a separate book of wally x reader or do you want Y/N to move to the welcome home town and fall in love with wally?

"jesus fuckign christ. I forgot how cold the snow is."
I said to myself as I walked through the piles of snow.

a familiar voice screamed from the distance. i looked up to see tubbo jumping in the snow, running over to me with someone in his arms.

"*huff* I was lucky to see you. I thought you weren't going to come."
"i do keel my promises."
"okay, so let's get started. Y/n, this is Michael. Michael, this is Y/N. they're going to be taking care of you while I'm working."

he motioned me to follow him to his house.


when we got there, I looked up to see what seemed to be a huge mansion.
"i need yo get going now, if you need anything just call me. Michael's food is in the fridge and don't give him sugar."

the second tubbo left the house, the piglet looked at me and points at the sugar.
"your dad said you can't have any buddy. how about we go play instead?"

the pig child looks down and runns off to his room, waiting at the top of the stairs for me to follow. his room had light yellow wallpaper like his shirt.

"what do you wanna play bud?"
he pointed to a box next to his bed. after watching him waddle over, he took out a few props and outfits.


if I'm being the most honest I can be, there's literally no point to sugarcoat it, Michael was horrible. he seems so sweet jut he somehow managed to get some sugar when I wasn't paying attention and won't stop running around. what makes it worse is that he has a fake sword, a crown and a cape.

"Michael, if you don't stop running this instant, I'm calling your father."
the boy stopped and stared at me, fearfully.
"how about we play another game? maybe hide and seek?"
the pig nodded and ran off while I started counting.


shit. hear me out, I never said I was good with kids. buuuutttt, i think I just lost Michael. when I was finished counting, I tried to look for him, thinking it was easy. turns out the smaller the child is, the harder to find them.

I was able to call quackity for help.
"how the fuck do you lose a child?"
"I don't fucking know!? he's small and shit. wait..did you leave the door open?"
"no? why?"
"then why is it so cold.."
I ran down the stairs to see the door ever so slightly open.

"I think this is when I die."
"what do you mean?"
"the door is open. Michael could be anywhere now. and tubbo's coming home in a few minutes."

after a few seconds of brainstorming, we dicided for me to look outside and for quackity to look for him inside. I think he was just saying that so he wouldn't be cold.


"Michael! Michael? where are you? the game is over now!"
I called out for the child in the snow. if he was out here, he would be dead now. the snow is literally up to my knees!

*ring ring*
and he got cut off.

i rushed back to the house, kinda hoping that quackity dies but also not since he's my boss and friend and all.

when I walked in, there was a pool of ketchup and quackity laid in the middle of it. Michael's sword and ketchup was also on his chest, as if he got stabbed.

i stood there, Michael nowhere to be seen. tubbo walked through the doors, bumping into me.

"ow. oh hey Y/N. Where's Mich-"
he stood beside me, staring at quackity.
"i think he might be upstairs in his room. I'll take this idiot home and clean up the mess.

I walked over to quackity and dragged him by his ankle.


"quackity from Las nevadas! your home!"
Charlie stared at him confused.
"why are you bleeding, quackity from Las nevadas?"

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