Chapter 9

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"there they are!"
someone yelled from behind me.

There was a sudden urge to hold into the amulet that was being used as a broche for my cloak. a hand rested on my shoulder not long after. I quickly jumped up and whipped my head towards the figure that the hand owned to.

"Pluto, was it?"
there stood the man I saw a few week earlier. he was at the market in the kingdom. his bandana sofly fluttered in the wind.

"uhh. yeah! Pluto. you're...sapnap?"
I question the one that rememberd my name. he was about to answer my question but was rudely inturuped by the other two friends finally catching up to him.
"sapnap! you shouldn't just run away like that. you could've gotten hurt!" the brunette scolded his friend, Sapnap, that ran off. "oh, hello. you're Pluto?"
He asked when he noticed me. I nodded at the man in the blue shirt. his rimmed glasses still sat comfortably on his head.

The last man emerged from the forest behind them. my eyes drifted to the man in green. now that I think of it, he's a fucking green screen.
"green screen man? Green screen bitch, is that you?"
I blurted out. Once I noticed what I said, I quickly covered my mouth with my hands. that just slipped out..

the other two erupted with laughter. dream's stare burned right through me. I don't think he liked the joke that much.

After that, we all started to have a conversation while heading to the Hardcore Kingdom again. it looked like we were all trying to go to the same place anyways. dream didn't talk that much. he mostly kept his gaze on me.

on the other hand, the other two were very engaged in their conversation. sometimes dream would join in and joke around with them. I didn't talk. it was just a habit I did. I wasn't really allowed to talk in the presence of people. I was just like a decoration. nothing else. Just like a servent that also acted as a teacher use to teach me, 'people like you shouldn't talk. you are only here to look pretty' he would always say.

"whats wrong, your highness? you haven't talked much."
my whole body tenced once sapnap said 'your highness'.did he know? no. how would he know?

"Why did you call my 'your highness? I'm not royalty."
I said as calm as I could.
"well you sure should be with those looks."
he playfully winked at me.
"stop being such a flirt. and don't worry about me. its just a habit I gained while living with my family."

I glance over at dream to see his stare still focused on me. he must've saw me tense up a bit.

we continued the walk and made it to the Kingdom not long after. I clenched on my broche while we walked through the croud. I didn't feel comfortable around so many filthy people. they would do literally anything for money, they would even dress up their own child like me and give them in.

the team that were almost always together were just buying food again. I deicided on doing the same since, again, I was low.

"hey Pluto. why was there smoke and ashes where you were?"
George asked. I didn't know how to answer. I don't even know why I did it. it was just a sensation.
"I burned down my house."
I just shrugged.

"I just wanted to. can't leave any evidence just in case. plus, I can't get attached to anything. that would just create a problem."
I could see a small smirk from under dream's mask. dream pleasantly hummed and nodded at my answer. as I was distracted by listening in the three's discussion, there was trumpets. this was showing that the royals were walking passed. everyone moved to the side for them.

unfortunately, the four of us somehow were pushed to the front of the line of separated people. the four royals started to walk down the path that everyone made for them. whispers bounced around the croud.

"Phil, I'm telling the truth! I was at Niki's bakery and there was this person. they wore a red cloak and they covered their eyes. their hood was down and they had h/c hair! they even knew about me and Sally's relationship."
it was Wilbur. he shouted at his dad while they were walking and of course whispered the last sentence.

the four of them scanned through the crowds that were separated. I backed up into George's chest. I looked up at him and he just chuckled a little. but that smile quickly got whipped away once he saw my worried face. then he started to put the pieces together.

"wait. you're the one they're talking about? you were at Niki's bakery, weren't you?"
I quickly nodded. he was quick to put his arms over you for a small amount of protection, comfort and to barely hide you.
"don't worry. it's going to be okay."
he whispered in your ear. you nodded at his reassuring words.

Wilbur continued to look around the crowd. his eyes soon met mine. or well, where they're supposed to be.
"you! Phil, look! I found them!"
your eyes widened at his words. I mean it was quite easy to find you. you were the only one wearing a red cloak.

everyone's head slowly turned to look at you. sapnap, dream and George started to also look at you. George was the only one that looked worried, besides from you. while dream and sapnap looked confused like everyone else.

After Wilbur yelled that, technoblade, Phil a and Tommy glared at you. a few guard rushed over to quickly pulled you out of George's grasp and out of the crowd. now everyone was able to keep their eyes on you. the amulet started to illuminate a small amount of green. you quickly tried to hide the it with your hand over it. that ultimately failed since the light bounce off your hand.

"who the fuck are you?"
Tommy asked. you were soon bombarded with questions after Tommy's. the whispering in the crowd got louder. they were all talking about you.

"where did you get that broche?"
technoblade asked in a stern but still monotone voice. I clenched on the broche as I froze. my lips parted but nothing came out.
"answer me!"
that was the first time he yelled in a long time. I obviously flinched at his sudden loud noise.

"take off your hood."
I hesitantly obliged to philza's demands. my h/l h/c hair flew in the slight breeze that came across.
"take off that stupid cloth that covers your eyes."
philza demand again. I felt really uncomfortable.

everything seemed to freeze once he said that. everyone stopped talking and stared right at me. their blazing eyes pircing through my body.

"Pluto, you don't need to do this if your not comfortable."
George spoke from the crowd. he was the only noise at that moment.
"do it."
phil spoke again. an echo was held behind it. even the crows started to watch

I started to shake. his voice was still the same aggressive tone as it was before I ran away. I shut my eyes as the guards took it off and held me so I couldn't somehow run away.

"open your eyes!"
Tommy yelled. it startled me. I flinched at his yelling. my feet slowly pushed backwards. I was quickly stopped by the guard that dragged me in the middle of the crowd.
"open your ey-"
philza repeated Tommy but was cut off by me.

"Phil, can you just shut the fuck up for once in your short and pathetic life!?"

I didn't even realised that I said that. neither did I realised that I opened my eyes to finally look at them.

"you act as if you have so much power and your better then everyone when in reality your just a sad old widow that blame their own child for his wife's death. please enlighten me and explain to me how I, Y/N_Minecraft, was the one that killed my own mother?!"

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