Chapter 3

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Words: 1724
TW: Swearing

I woke up to guards dragging Charlie back inside the house and him screaming my name. It took a while for me to adjust to the noises. his screams were muffled as a guard placed their hand over his mouth. tears streamed down his face.

I was being carried by one of philza's most trusted guard, Eric. he was probably the most annoying guard there was!

I look back to see Charlie still crying and a bit of blood dripping from his arm. He was on the floor, helpless. I knew I was going to be scolded later but I wanted to help Charlie.

(Present time)

"Father please, I must go out. It's a festival about my own mother for crying out loud. I haven't even seen a picture of her ever since her death!"

"Don't yell at your father like that, you hear me?! The last time you went out, you were four. And you also escaped!"
He spoke back to me. He started to yell some other shit while I zoned out. It was as if something important happened when I excaped.

"Father, you must understand that was sixteen years ago! I'm literally 20! You let your son, Wilbur, move out at a young age to create a nation. And you let Tommy come with him at 16 years old! You let Techno go as well to do God knows what and possibly commit arson!"

It fell silent after I screamed that. No one wanted to talk. No one dared to talk. I've never had a good relationship with their dad before and after I escaped. I can't recall one time where he was a good parent figure towards me.

Before he didn't really care about me. I was just a child. An unspoken child. Someone that was always out of the family picture. I wasn't even put in our family tree or in the books about us. I was non-existent. And my father wanted to keep it that way.

After the escape, he became more protective over me. He never let me go outside. The only place where I could get sunlight is the balcony. Yet someone had to always watch over me. Otherwise, it was locked. Nevertheless, I was still determined. Determined to get my freedom and have a good life.

He was so protective and didn't want me to be seen that he literally kept me in my room when someone came over. He said that I was 'Too pretty for someone to see' or 'They might kidnap you or try to marry you'. Just any dumb excuse that he could make up on the spot. If someone did marry me, I wouldn't give a shit! At least they would get me away from here.

Even though I never went to school, I had over the average person's IQ- unlike my father. But that's what I think. I mean, I was raised around idiots so I never really compared myself to an average person.

Anyways, this escape was pretty simple. I managed to make a secret door behind a bookshelf in the library. I would usually go there when someone came over or to relax. Philza never knew of it.

So when someone comes over, which is very common around this time because the festival and all, I will go into my spot and hide for a bit. Once it's the right time, I will just sneak out. And if the doors are locked, then I'll do what the butler did for Sir Billiam when he wouldn't get through the door. Break the window. very simple!

I've read a lot about this 'Sir Billiam' man. I find him quite humorous. His silly humour reminded me of someone else. Someone that made me laugh as well.

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