Chapter 5

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TW: Swearing

TW?: cuts, blood

I grabbed the rest of the things that I needed before I went back to my room. I guess I'm going to do the plan I wanted to do before.

I lightly place my finger over the glass door in my room. The glass was layered but still easy to break since it was, well, glass. The curtains were already pulled aside so I didn't need to worry about that.

I scavenged around my room to find something. Anything! Just a thing to break the glass. My eyes slowly trailed to the corner of my room. There sat a book in the corner. A huge book.

It built like a fucking Nokia phone.

It had a hard cover with many pages and it was originally gifted to me by Techno when I was a baby and he wasn't controlling over me. It stayed in the corner, untouched and collecting dust, for many years.

I quickly rushed to my closest and dug through many clothes to grab one more thing before I forgot about it. What I held in my hands was an locket. It had a beautiful green crystal that shimmered in the middle. Around the crystal was a silvery gold material. It also had many other small details around the material.

Why was this locket so important? Well, apparently it was the last thing mother gave to me. It has a connection between all of us. even though I hate them but my mother, it's still important since it's still connected to my mother.

Techno got an emerald earring. that also shimmered in the light. strangely enough, I sometimes see it glow around this maid and it always gets brighter the closer she is.

We would always joke about her being his soulmate or someone important but he never belived us. That maid randomly went missing one day. we never found her ever again.

Since the pink-haired man never found his soulmate or have his earring glow again, he gave up on them. And now he says he doesn't believe in that shit anymore. Makes sense.

Wilbur, on the other hand, was given a ring. It also had a green emerald. That ring would keep him safe and his loved ones safe. But Wilbur is dumb as fuck. That's why he gave his ring to Sally-his salmon girlfriend. Turns out she cheated on him but he found out he gave birth to Fundy. Yes, apparently HE gave birth to Fundy, a fucking fox.

Wilbur said that Sally cheated on him with a person named 'Jared'. I met Sally before. She was so beautiful. No wonder Wilbur fell in love with her. I mean, she has beautiful red hair with a few stripes of white. Freckle sprinkled perfectly across her face and she always had this perfect smile as well. Not only that, she had green eyes that you could easily get lost in.

And finally, Tommy's one. It's unknown. Apparently he lost it in a war. Sometimes I think it might be the discs. Or he just lost it since he is careless like that.

I clenched the locket and placed it around my Neck. With the book in hand, I took one deep breath and threw the book at the window. In a matter of seconds, the glass shattered. Glass pieces flew across the room and managed to slit through my skin.

The red blood shimmered in the slight sunlight that was left. Glass littered the room after cutting me. One flew across my face and hit right beside the door behind me. many pairs of rushed footsteps ran over to my door. I moved over to the railing of my balcony. I tucked something into my sleeve so it was hidden.

As the people behind my wooden door tried to jiggle the knob to open the door, I took in the mesmerising view. You could see everything from here. But sadly enough, most of the view was blocked by the overgrown trees. That still could be good for my excape.

The door smashed into the wall beside it. I slowly turned around to see Philza, Technoblade, Wilbur and Tommy? Why were they here? It doesn't matter. I need to focus on getting out of this place. Again.

"Get off the railing Y/N."
Wilbur spoke carefully and calmly with his hands in front of him. Did he really think that would work? Did he fucking think I was some kind of dangerous animal?

I continued to stare at them as they tried to convince me or investigate my injuries from afar. It was getting quite boring. They kept protesting and saying that they cared about me. That I shouldn't go. Phil stood there in shock. Or that's what it looked like.

A soft tune of a lullaby went through my head as I breathed steadily and took in my surroundings, ignoring the rest of them. They were having enough of my shit. Just me staring blankly at them. Not saying a word. Tommy was the first to take a step towards me.

"Take one more step and I'll jump."
I snapped as a cold breeze went past and into my hair.
"Y/N. Calm down. We can talk this out."
Wilbur spoke, fear lacing his voice. Thoughts rapidly rang through his head.

Without him knowing, he took a step closer.
"If any of you take one more step I swear to fucking God-"
I was interrupted by Karina. Her eyes were full of worry. She was definitely the one that cared the most if not the only one that cared.

"Y/N..Please. Think properly! You're not in your right mind!"
She tried to convince me like the rest. Yet her words actually got to me. Tears streamed from her eyes.

"I AM in the right mind! I don't fucking care if I died and neither would 'father'"
I mocked Phil's voice when I said 'father'.

All I knew is I NEEDED to leave as fast as I could. Anywhere. It'll be better than this place.
"Y/N. This isn't you. I know you. I'm your dad."

"Since when did you know me? You only abused me. You only made me your stupid servant. You used me like an object. I was nothing to you. Not even a human. And now you're saying you know me?"

I pulled up my sleeve to show loosely bandaged arms

They examined my scars and cuts. Trickling blood fell down my face and arms. I needed to re-bandage then after I leave this shit place.

Once I pulled my sleeves up, the item fell straight into my hand. I put it in my pocket and pulled my sleeves down to hide said item again.

As they finish looking at the cuts, they look back at me. They saw a huge smirk across my face.

"Adios fuckers!"
With that, I leaned backwards and fell off the railing.

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