chapter 20

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tw:mention of overdose

like any other day, I woke up. strangely enough, this wasn't my room.
"what the fuck? where am I?"
I looked around. a tree stood mighty and tall, leaning over three hunched over people that covered something. it sounded like they were..crying?

"hey, are you guys oka-"
as soon as I tried to touch one of them, I just went straight through.
"now this is really weird."
I looked down to my hands. they were pale and transparent. I looked up to see the three people.

it was Wilbur, Tommy and Phil. why were they here? Tommy looked around after I went through him, confused.
"w-what's wrong Tom?"
Wilbur asked his brother while wiping the tears off his face with his sleeve.
"sorry. I just felt really cold and thought I heard Y/N."
"what do you mean you heard them? they're dead.."

just in that second, I felt my heart start to sink. how could I be dead? what killed me? I look down to see myself sitting on a grave. the name in graved on the stone was mine.

"look, I know! how could I forget. I must be hearing things."
"how about you two stop fighting and pay your respect. we're going to leave soon."
philza said, angry at the two.

Tommy placed down bouquet of flowers in a jar filled with water next to my headstone. they all started to walk away in their separate ways. philza, to the kingdom, he couldn't bare to see technoblade's old cabin after he died a slow death.

Wilbur led the way to terrorise quackity, like always, and Tommy followed. he lingered back a bit, looking directly at me when he would turn around. wait what? he's probably just looking behind him. he shouldn't know I'm here. no one can see me.


when we all got there, Tommy separated away from Wilbur, going into a little wooden hut.
"their not real Tommy. it's just your imagination playing tricks on you again."
tommy reassured himself.

"huh? who are you talking about? and who are you talking to?"
he screamed and fell to the ground. Wilbur slammed the door open and looked at the boy on the ground, also confused.
"whats wrong tommy? tell me! you can tell me."

he man rushed to his brother's side, treating him as if he was hurt and shook his shoulders as tommy sat in a state of shock.
he said while pointing at me.

"try to use your words. how about we go outside for a second and try to focus on colours and objects to calm down? how does that sound?"
Wilbur asked while rubbing circles into Tommy's back.

after a minute or two, tommy calmed down.
"I saw Y/N. I swear!"
"like I said before, it's probably your imagination."
"no, I swear I saw them! they even talked to me. they're literally right there!"
tommy pointed to me again.
"tommy, that's a tree. look, I know you're upset Y/N died but you need to stop with this act. we're all upset as well. Y/N is gone and they're not coming back."

"how fucking dare you."
I put my middle finger up to Wilbur, tommy just stared at me, confused if I'm actually real or not.

while doing my ✨amazing✨ act, I accidentally touched Wilbur.
"how dare you doubt how real I am!"
Wilbur looked at me, shocked.

"hello Mr soot. y'know, your name always confused me. why are you called soot anyway? don't you think it sounds a bit silly?"
"how are you here? you're dead!"
"to be honest, I just woke up and saw you guys. anyways, how did I die? just wondering so when and if I get back to my body I can do some explaining."

"an overdose."
"apparently your room was locked so quackity had to bust down the door and he found you in the floor with a bunch of pills surrounding you. your heart just stopped."
"haha. sound about right. that is probably something that I would do, doesn't it tommy?"

the blonde looked up, tears pricking his eyes.
"h-how can you be laughing at this! you died because of an overdose and we don't even know if you can go back into your body! we don't know where dream is, he's still on the lose and could hurt me. but your over here, literally laughing in the face of death!"

"look little blondie. you listen here and you listen well, alright? I was locked in a stupid castle for..I don't know, over 20 WHOLE years! days on end without food or water. hey, even all of the trusted people I know turned their backs on me! I had to leave everyone I cared about behind! You and Wilbur dying and being revived while techno's dead. never got to see my mother and got blamed for everything.

I would physically put myself in danger as long as it would keep you guys safe because I was stupid. you might think that you have it bad because your the main character and all but at least you got freedom. let's be honest, if I was in L'manburg and Wilbur would need to give up someone to end the war, he would give up me in a heartbeat! even if he didn't need to! Wilbur always thought of me as dead weight."

I looked over to the man, his anger started to boil.
"if you guys are not going to help me, I'll help myself."
wilbur get off the ground and tried punching me.
"can't punch ghosts, idiot."


when I got back to Las nevadas, I saw quackity in his office, Charlie by his side, like always.

"I can't believe they actually did it! they actually did it.."
"quackity from Las nevadas, who are you talking about? and what did they do? do you know where Y/N from Las Nevadas is?"

"They're fucking dead! Y/N is dead!"
I walked through the locked door, Charlie looked directly at me.
"hello Y/N from Las Nevadas!"
quackity looked up to see slime trying to hug the air and hitting his face on the door.

"is this a joke? don't joke about this slime."
"I'm right here!"
I tapped him on the shoulder. my hand went right through.
quackity didn't even look at me. it was as if he couldn't see me. that's strange, I tapped him on the shoulder. and how could slime see me? I didn't even touch him.

then it clicked. the SBI family never truly cared about me but they were sad because they were still my family. they aren't in the stages of grief but alright reached the acceptance.

quackity cared about me to a deeper level, even if he didn't show it. he was the one to witness my heart stopping. he must be denying and greifing so much that he doesn't even see me.

and Charlie never understood how death worked. he didn't even know they could die. he just thought they would disappear and live somewhere else. he still thought that mortals and dead people were able to reach one another.

I went up to my room to see my dead ass body, covered in a blanket and my room untouched. it seems like the body is still fresh as well. wait..


I touched my lifeless body. the second I did, my vision got blurry and started shaking. it felt as if my body was being ripped apart and repaired thousands of times.

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