Chapter 11

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"you need to stop being childish and careless, Y/N. you could've gotten way in a worse state if we didn't get there in time. you know how brutal those wolves are."

I rolled my eyes at George, dismissing his worry while he bandaged my wounds. so what? they were just a few wolves. I only got bitten on my leg and got cut by those stupid thorns.
"George you need to stop worrying about me so much."
I kicked my legs back and forth, the man moving out the way before I hit him. he groaned.
"stop moving, I still need to wrap your leg up."

I purposely let out an exaggerated sigh excaped my lips. I was just being stubborn, again. it's not like it's a new thing. as he was finishing up my leg, I let my thoughts wander. then it went to the pictures and letters. I was able to bring them with me. but who was that person?

we both left the tent to see sapnap trying to start a fire and dream leaning on a tree. the green man made fun of him while pandas-as dream would call sapnap-was frustrated by the absence of help from his friend. this was just sad to watch if I'm honest.
"move dummy. that's not how you start a fire. and stop complaining. the whole Kingdom can probably hear you."

I quickly pushed him away from the mini pit. he would somehow hurt himself. I started inspecting the small hole then went to grab some sticks. they were the only flabable items in the forest that would last a good while. I perfectly placed each one leaning against each other.

I could feel three pairs of eyes staring on me again. it was creepy; I felt uncomfortable. but of course, I still focused. since I didn't have any other good fire source, I pulled out my trusty lighter.

two small sparks of amber flicked off the object and hit directly onto the sticks, making a small light that instantly died. I brought the lit up lighter closer to the pile of sticks. it all went up in flames after a few seconds. since I was close to the pit, I could've got burnt. George was close enough and pulled me back by my collar.

"what did I just say? you could've got burnt!"
"yeah, yeah. it was only for a second."
the man let out an audible groan. it was obvious George was getting annoyed at my constant dismission. I was being quite reckless anyway. a trait I picked up from TommyInnit himself. as much as I hated them, I was still always destined to followed in their footsteps one way or another.


I lay on my temporary sleeping bag. there was nothing to do and everyone else was sound asleep. Well, not dream. he was on watch duty. I would be up next. I searched the floor with my hands to find my cloth and cover my eyes. I might as well take my job early.

I unzip the tent that me and sapnap were forced to share. he didn't seem to mind. the autumn/fall leaves were just about to fall as the crisp wind pulled them away from the branches.
I spoke just loud enough for him to hear me and not wake up the unconscious people who were in their tent, sleeping.

dream hummed in reply to acknowledge my presence.
"I'll take over now."
he pulled out his watch and checked it.
"why? it isn't time yet."
he jumped down from his tree, yawning.
"well I can't sleep and you're tired. so might as well do an early switch."
he just nodded, too tied to start an argument or disagree with me, and went to George's tent since they shared one.

I was finally alone again. the gentle breeze going past and picking up some fallen, orange leaves, shifting then ever so slightly. I climbed the tree and posted where dream was before. the sun was just about to rise. a beautiful view.

I slightly fidgeted with the cloth over my eyes. it felt uncomfortable constantly hugging my face. the sun slowly rose above the place that I used to call home. the place where all my 'friends' and 'family' lived. my mind wandered for what felt like the thousandth time today as I continued staring at the sunrise.


"Y/N? Y/N! where are you?!"
it was the voice of George. he seemed really distressed. I looked down at his figure, searching at ground level, not thinking to look up to find me. before I was able to say anything, sapnap came rushing out.

"why are you yelling so early in the morning, George?"
"Y/N. they're missing!"
he huffed out, out of breath from running around.
"where's dream? he should know."
"he's still sleeping. he hasn't gotten much sleep lately so I let him be."

I giggle at George's care for his very close friend. it was sweet. but my giggle got the attention of the two boys and they started looking at the leaves that hid me. there were leaves below me, blocking their sight. before I knew it, I was hit by a bird. that made me loose balance and fall off the stable branch that I sat on.

I hit the floor with a huge thud, waking up a grumpy blob in the process. George was jumping around me, trying to see if I were okay. Sapnap was laughing like crazy. George quickly to punch Sapnap's arm since I might be hurt and he's just laughing.

I didn't even know that my cloth fell down after my fall, revealing a slight bit of my eyes. Dream walked out of the tent. for a moment, I didn't realise that he didn't have his mask on. the only thing I was able to see from dream's face was his piercing, green eyes that kept me in a lock.

George and Sapnap slowly stopped their argument as they saw me starting at someone. they both turned to see Dream putting on his mask. they both turn back to me and saw me placing the cloth over my revealed eyes.

Dream put his hand out to help me off the ground. I hesitated to take it.
"I never knew you had a white eye."
he teased.
"fuck off. I never knew you had green eyes you bitch. wait, now I can call you green screen bitch!"

we all laughed. I started to cry uncontrollably. over the years of living with the royals, I was forced to not make any noise. I had to learn how to cry without making any noise. not even a whimper.

the two boys started explaining what happened while I cried. I felt dizzy. I could barely even stand. they were too engaged in their own conversation to notice my immediate strange behaviour.

I slowly trampled over to the bird that also fell. looks like they had a broken wing. poor thing. I grabbed my bag and wrapped the wing in bandages.

I gently placed my hand on its feathers and started to stroke it. the bird slowly calmed down. my eyes trailed down to its leg. it had a note tightly tied to it. I untied the string that kept the note to the bird and unravelled the papyrus. the paper was addressed to me.

'dear Y/N,

we never met before but I have heard about you. Wilbur, your brother, constantly talks about you. it annoys me but his description about you enticed me. I would love to meet you and maybe convince you to be a citizen of my great country, Las Navadas. I will gladly give you a place to stay if you do consider it. you will be able to work for me and of course, get paid. if you are interested in my offer, please go to the cordenates at the back of the papyrus.

I hope you see you soon.

yours truly,

Quackity. that sounds familiar. and so does Las Navadas. I'll try to go there. maybe I can convince the three as well.

I go to stand up to show them the paper but instantly fell back down. my head hit the tree that stood behind me. they all look over at me, finally seeing the streams of tears still coming out. Black dots covered my vision and then everything went black.

The memories we hadحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن