Chapter 4

45 2 0

Words: 1027

TW: Swearing

"You need to consider that your father might be correct. It is dangerous outside the Kingdom."

This is Karina. She is one of the maids. Probably the best one of them all. She actually listens to me and I can vent to her when needed. She gives great advice and apparently her name means 'love'. Love does represent her though. She is a kind and loving person outside but when you get to know her, she's way better! She is funny and is just perfect overall.

"I know Karina. But I can't just stay under father's control. I don't want to be like a doll. He let his other children leave at 18 or younger. And he doesn't even care about me!"

"I know..but he will be mad once you leave. It will be worse when or if he finds you. Plus, he would be raging at everyone as well!"

The room was silent for a few minutes. I was trying to think.
"Why can't you come with me?"
Karina made a confused face.

"Surely not! Your father will raise hell and warfare on everything!"
"Oh come onnn. Pleaseeeee? It will be better than this place. And we can be runaways together!"
I begged her. She slightly softened at my words but crossed her arms and looked away with her eyes closed.

I just sigh and stay silent. I slowly put my head on her shoulder and wait for a reaction. Surprisingly, nothing happened. She didn't react. All she did was relax and started to card out my hair with her hand. It felt better to know someone was there for you.

We stayed in that position for a few minutes. That was until she was called to do her job since there was a guest and her break was over. I waited for a few minutes longer, re-thinking about the conversation I had with her. Maybe she was right. Maybe I should just stay. It is dangerous out there and Phil would be mad.

After a long amount of time of me debating the pros and cons, I finally deicide that I don't give two fucks about him anymore. He puts so much pressure on me but not my brothers. It's bullshit! His stupid manipulation is finally getting to me.

Once I collected myself, I started to pack the essentials. I packed clothes, a small amount of food, boots, a cloak, weapons, a few books, etc.

At this point, Philza is on the other side of the building, showing the guest around the castle. It wouldn't matter if I break a window, right? No. It would be too loud. The original plan is better.

I snuck out of my room and went to the library. My hand was on the handle to open the door to the library. I was almost free again. Well that was until he appeared.

"What are you doing?"
A monotone voice interrupted me. I look to my side to see where the voice came from. It was none other than the pink haired man himself. He had small glasses resting on his nose.

"Well hello there Technoblade. My dearest brother."
I gritted my teeth once I said dearest.
"Answer my question."

"Can a person not read a book at the indoor library?"
"Phil has a guest over."
"I know.."
"I told you this when you were young already. Stop. Acting. Like. Me."

He was ruining my plan like always.
"Why are you here anyways?"
"Well people are trying to kill me and I'm here to also celebrate the festival of our mother."

"Your mother."
I muttered under my breath. he sighed and answered me.
"when will you learn that she is also your mother."

I ignored him and walked into the library. He followed me and searched for a book. I did the same to not look suspicious. He found a book and sat down in front of the fire in the fireplace.

I continued looking for a book. Or at least look like I'm looking for one. While Technoblade was lost in his book, I rushed to a certain bookshelf. I closed my eyes and put my index finger on a book. My finger slowly grazed over all the books until I stopped at one.

I took out the book to see a small button on the back of the shelf. I quickly pushed the button and the shelf pushed open to reveal a small, detailed, wooden door. I slightly pushed open the door open and slid inside. The door closed and the bookshelf covered it, making it look how it originally was.

The room had grey walls with small drawings that were very detailed. They were all my drawings. Two of the walls were the drawings of the dreams that I had while the other two showed events that happened in my life. This would probably be the last time I draw on this wall.

I quickly drew out my plan and other symbols that represented random things that most people wouldn't understand. As time slowly passed, everything started to fall into place. I picked up my bag, which had all the items that I needed, and left the empty, depressing room.

I heard light snoring by the now lifeless fireplace. I turned over to see the pink haired man, with a book on his lap, sleeping peacefully. I took my chance and left the room. This would be a bit harder since the time wasn't exactly perfect.

Technoblade's father was supposed to still be giving a tour to the unknown guest. But since everything got in my way, he was now sitting in his throne room.

The throne room was important for this plan. The entrance is in the same room as the throne room. It's not like I could go through any other door. Every other door and window was locked or too guarded to get passed.

I guess I'm going to do it like Sir Billiam's butler..

(so Y/N knows where Philza is because they are 20 and this has happened every year and it's always an exact timing.

The memories we hadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ